Years pass and each year gets easier for the witch to live without her grandma. She yearns for one last hug and one last 'I love Yous' to be shared though. Growing in strength and confidence she took the time to decide the biggest decision she has ever had to make. Having mastered half of the spells in the spell book left by her mother, the witch decides it's time to finally venture into town.

She grabs her black cloak and wrapes it around herself, draping the hood over her head. Her grandmother forbade her from ever venturing even near the town. But the young witch is not so young anymore and frankly, grandmother is not here to stop her. So she takes this action into her own hands and decides it's time to unite herself with the towns people. The witch grabs her spell book in a remembrance of her grandmother and a means of hope and support she was lacking lately. The spell book represented courage for her and in this journey, courage was exactly what she needed.

"Why can't we go into the town grandma?"

"The towns people don't understand us sweetie. They are fearful of our powers. They don't understand. Promise me one thing."

"Anything grandma."

"Promise you will never go to the town. Promise me you will never put yourself in danger like that. Don't make the same mistake as I did.

The witch thought back to this conversation frequently. More often when she was deciding whether to take the chance and go into town. She had to form an opinion for herself. She was taught to think for herself. She had to know.

Stepping out onto her front steps she closed the door with a creak of the hinges. The cobble stones under her feet crumbled with each step she took. Her heels clicking with each stride taken. The witch swung her make-shift bag with a draw string to tie together. The dust flying from the bag. Taking a deep breath and looking around at the familiarity of the woods she calls home, she begins her journey to the town.

The journey to the town takes a days walk. This gives the witch enough time to think of how she is going to present herself. First impressions can really make or break a potential relationship. She wore her best outfit that consisted of a nice black lace dress with buttons going down the chest and stopping midway. Her boots were old but had a nice rustic charm to them. It said as if the boots were used but loved. At least she hoped that was what would come to mind when someone were to look at her. She also practiced her smile in the mirror for an hour before leaving. She had to make sure she was confident and pleased with it as well.

"Maybe I'll do the spell that can levitate inanimate objects..." She said to herself.

"No that's too simple. No."

In that moment a lightbulb went off in her mind. She knew exactly what she was going to show the townspeople. The only problem was that she hadn't mastered that spell enough to truly get the kinks out. But this surprise was too important to go simple. No she had to go all out. Go big or go home and there was no way she was going home. She had almost arrived and the walk back to the house was too far now to turn back. No. She had to give a great impression.

The town was approaching and she could make out the old falling a part cottages that sat beside each other. The courtyard laid in the centre of the town and there were a few people sitting and talking as the witch approached.

The cottages were covered in vines and the streets littered with garbage but decorated with some lily of the valleys and rose bushes. An odd combination the witch remarked but to each their own she decided. As she approached she noticed a few of the towns people were putting their glances towards her. A stranger in their quaint and quiet town which rarely sees a visitor let alone a witch to come. The witch approaches the town as more heads turn her way. A man in colonial outfit with a blue hat and a shirt with lots of ruffles approached the witch. His eyes full of wonder and a smile across his face.

"Please let him be nice and kind." The witch thought as her heart beat began to race. Sweat rolled down her forehead but she wiped it away fast enough for no one to notice. Hopefully. She formed the same smile she practiced in the mirror to greet the stranger. She debated whether to bow or courtesy or maybe to shake the man's hand.

"Hello are you passing through?" He asked her. The smile still present on his face he reaches his hand out to her. The witch froze for a moment then shook his hand.

"Actually I came come acquainted with the people of this town." She said.


"I live in the woods and I was anxious to come to town to meet you fine people-"

"Did you say the woods?"

"Yes I wanted to show you what it is I do and maybe get to know what it is the people in this town do as well."

"Well go ahead. Let me just conjure everyone into the courtyard first. This will only take a moment you can set up over there." He says. He pointed towards a small table in the corner of the courtyard. She set her make-shift bag down and lifted her spell book out with trembling hands. Her heart sped up and her hands became clammy. One wrong move and this could all be over. Just coming here was risky enough but performing a spell that she still has many kinks to sort through. Well that was a whole other risk she was worthy of taking. With a deep breath and moving her brings out of her eyes she turned around. There awaiting was a crowd of 50 or so people awaiting to hear and witness what it is she was to show. As she stared at the people, they stared back. Feet tapping the ground, legs shaking with anticipation. They were ready.

Another breath was taken and the witch grabbed a hold of her book. She held the book to her heart.
"I hope grandmother was wrong." She whispered under her breath. She took a hold of her wand and-

"WITCH! SHES A WITCH!" A woman in the audience yelled. She jumped from fright and pointed her finger towards the witch. Her face was a scowl and her brows were furrowed. She held her children against her legs in a mother bear protection. The witch grew in fear and she backed away from the crowd.

"LYNCH HER." Another yelled.

"NO DROWN HER!" Another proclaimed.

The witch fought back tears and ran from the scene. The tears however kept forcing themselves from her eye and they ran down her cheeks staining them in the process. She looked back and saw torches and pitch forks coming towards her direction. She went into a sprint. She ran through the woods. Dodging the trees and holes best as she could. She could hear screams in the distance but with each step she took, the screams became quieter and quieter.

When she felt safe to stop she did. Needing to catch her breath she fell to the ground clutching her ribs. She took deep breaths and reached for her water. Wheezing, she had not ran this much and this long in her entire life. Sweat dripping from her forehead, arms, legs, back, and head, her hair drenched, she used it to cool herself a bit more. Then, after catching her breath and knowing she was safe from harm, she fell asleep on the root of an old oak tree.

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