Boboiboy Blaze || Destroyer

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Ice was digging through the bookshelves for a book that he had somehow stuffed too high too reach. Wait, what was that there. . . a crumpled piece of paper? Upon closer inspection, it was clear that the ink had gotten smudged from tears, but the edges of the paper were slightly blackened, possibly from burning. He opened it up, and gasped.


It was a night I knew to be hush
As I joyfully skipped the forests lush.
A hymn on my lips and a grin on my face
I ran, uncaring of posture and grace.
The night wind stung at my bared, thin arms
Yet did nothing to extinguish the content warm
That lived and breathed quite seemingly
In my heart as it leapt about excitedly.
Then I spied a ice-coloured lily of in the distance
In the night's gales it seemingly danced,
I raced to hold it and then I did,
Ever a carefree and innocent kid,
But then in my hands, I saw it blaze
Right in front of my once twinkling gaze
So in fear, I looked to where I, in joy, dashed
Only to see smoke and fire and ash---
And poof! Gone was the joy where it once flowed much
Replaced by the knowledge that I'd destroy all I touch.


A tear ran down Ice's cheek and he dashed off to find his blazing brother.

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