Tsuna: [Why do you call Giotto-nii]

Tsuna and Giotto are now in the bed sitting while leaning on the wall.

"I call you because my Intuition that 'that' demon bastard is coming home" Giotto said.

Tsuna: [I sense that too... But What can I do? Its his job to return to his perspective home]

"But he only care of them! Tsk, what kind of Father he is!!?" Giotto said as he clench his hands.

Tsuna hold his hand try to calm Giotto down."Calm down, I'll be fine you know." Tsuna said with a smile.

Giotto then hug Tsuna" Your ssoooo cute Tsuna." Giotto said.
"Gi-giotto Nii I-i I can't breath." Tsuna said while struggling.
"He-he-help G-nii" Tsuna said childishly as he was crawling to G. G was fighting with Lampo but stop when he saw that Giotto was struggling Tsuna.

G then grab the cape of Giotto telling him to let go of Tsuna, but Giotto insist he said that Tsuna is so cute. The room of Tsuna are full of enjoyment specially if all them are like child playing in a certain room.

7:00pm Bianchi was helping Nana prepared a feast while Reborn was tor-Tutoring Ieyoshi by smacking his head by ruler every minute.

After a couple of minute they heard a knock on the door. Ieyoshi stand up and open the door to reveal his Father.

"Ah... My beloved son, Your still handsome and cute as ever.." Iemitsu said while hugging his son.

Ieyoshi just let his father hug him, "Tou-san" Ieyoshi said with a frown face and went back to the dinning room again and was followed by his Father.

His father was shock by the feast of food sparkling in the table. "My love, you really don't need to do this." Iemitsu said as he sat down.

Ieyoshi was sitting facing his father but clearly he ignore his present. Ieyoshi miss his father but he was so confuse all the time, he wants to ask who the hell is Dame-Tsuna and why is he here at this house?, he also want to ask if Dame-Tsuna is the servant or maid in this house but it seems its not the case, why did his father treat Tsuna like a mistake or a regret? He was confuse and want to ask his parents but he knows he will get the same answer.

He sigh due to depression. "Hows my Iey-kun, you look depress something wrong?" Iemitsu ask his son.

"No, nothing. Its the effect of the spartan from hell torturing me." Ieyoshi reason while he was looking down.

Reborn in the other hand just chilling in his sit beside him was Bianchi.

"Mou... Reborn, I know your a Hitman but pls be gentle with my son. His my precious you know." Iemitsu said.

Reborn then stand up and was not going to eat with them, he has no appetite. "Well, Baka-Mitsu, Baka-Iey has many things to learn. But I'm glad now he is improving." Reborn said as he jump down to his chair.

"Where are you going Reborn-kun?" Nana ask with his cheerful smile.

"Up stair." Reborn said as he was walking up stair.

"What with reborn dear?" Nana ask.
"I have no Idea, but Iey-kun don't worry he is like that seens his a hitman after all" Iemitsu said. Ieyoshi just nodded. "Guest he forget about that Dame-Tsuna again." Ieyoshi thought and he felt a little sadness, " I wonder what it feels to be ignored by the whole time?" Ieyoshi thought.

They all eat while having fun. Bianchi and Nana were talking and Iemitsu and Ieyoshi was also talking, but Ieyoshi can only nod. His in deep thoughts and particularly not listening to his father.

Reborn on the other hand knock 3 times at Tsuna's room, after Tsuna open it and let reborn in.

Tsuna: [Why are you here reborn?]

Tsuna show his note pad to reborn while he was sitting on his bed along with the hitman beside him.

"Won't you go down stairs? Nana cook a lot you know" Reborn said.

Tsuna: [Not gonna happen, beside if I am there I'll just ruin there happiness specially tou-san was there.]  Tsuna show his note pad while his eyes was down and his eyes show how sad he is, he felt someone hug him from the back and its Giotto.

Gitto try to comfort Tsuna.

"How did you know that Iemitsu was there?" Reborn ask.

Tsuna: [The alien in my head say it to me. ]

"Tsk, Its not an alien. Its called Intuition." Reborn said.

Tsuna:[ But I like to call it an alien seens its giving me an head ache all the time]

Tsuna smile.

"Well, That's how it is Tsuna. Its in our blood." Giotto said, but luckily Only tsuna can hear or see them reborn can't.

"But, I feel really weird in your room Tsuna. Its like someone is here more than us but I can only see you an me here."Reborn said.

Tsuna: [Maybe your just imagining.]

"Yeah, maybe. But Tsuna... Don't you feel lonely that your always alone?" Reborn ask.

Tsuna: [Well I do, but I was never alone this time. There were secret people who make me happy and always there for me. Thats why I consider them as my family.]

"Secret People?" Reborn ask.

Tsuna: [Yeah, well... I could tell you but not now. You already know too much about my secret. But I also know about you seens my ali- Intuition is telling me about you.]

Reborn was shock to read that. "I knew it, his Intuition is strong as ever. Probably he also know about the curse of Arcobaleno and more..." Reborn thought.

"I see. Then Tsuna, how about I teach you about the information about the sky flames. Your brother has it but somehow its not pure as it is, but my hitman senses your sky flames are more purer than Primo." Reborn said.

Tsuna: [ I'll already know that. But I will tell you everything when the time is right. Its not the right time specially when the danger will come. I can feel that something big is gonna happen.]

He show his note pad while yawning.
Reborn was more shock on what he read. "He already knows? How? and When? When and How did he know that his own sky flames are pure more than Primo? does he even know who primo is?" Reborn thought.

Reborn was gonna ask question but he saw how Tsuna eyes was tired so he decided to make Tsuna to fell asleep as he also fell asleep in the bed while thinking about the certain question.

"I think there is more than it meets the eyes Tsuna." Reborn's last thought as he driff off to sleep.


Thanks for reading
Hope you like it 😄

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