6:Battle scars

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Two chapters in one day?! I'm crazy!

{John POV}

John grabbed the key to his and Alexander's dorm and walked in with his best friend but Alex froze and when John looked over towards where Alexander's bedroom was he saw Jefferson walking out surprised when he saw Alexander "Hamilton..." Thomas said in disbelief "Your alright." He said surprised Alexander just stood frozen in place "Jefferson leave him alone don't you see he is terrified?!" John said and Jefferson walked away "Alex come on snap out of it! We need to get you into your room...Here!" He grabbed a box of markers "You can have these and do whatever you want talk to your Soulmate or doodle or something" John said and Alex slowly walked away towards his room. John walked towards Jefferson "Please leave Alex alone for a little while he is traumatized and he thinks everyone is disappointed in him...I don't want anything else to happen got that?" Jefferson looked at John than nodded stretching "Yeah sure" He said walking out the door.

{Alexander's POV}

I took the box of markers from John and began writing on my arm drawing different designs and shapes with the different colored markers than he felt the scraping of a pen on his arm and he looked down to see another message

I see your having fun drawing. Hey do you want to talk? I am all alone right now and just need somebody to talk to

Alexander quickly replied

Yeah sure! What do you want to talk about?

He felt the scraping again.

Can we talk about you? I...want to talk about you cutting yourself...I just want to know why...if your uncomfortable talking about it's fine!

Alexander looked shocked and wrote back

No its fine! Just some guy...he's been bullying me since high school and he decided to tell me that I should kill myself and that I would be doing the world a favor...and I believe him...my friends are disappointed in me...especially my best friend

He felt the tears on his face and he wiped them away

I doubt they are disappointed in you! But...stay strong! Just remember we all have battle scars! You will get through this and I will still be right here with you always!

Alexander smiled and looked down at his arm

Thanks...I won't worry to much about it...I appreciate you being here for me.

He looked at all of the messages and began thinking about his friends...were they really disappointed in him?

You should go to sleep. You can wash your arm off if you want to also!

Alexander smiled and looked down at his arm

I'm going to keep them like they are tattoos so I can always remember our first conversations...

He pulled his sleeve down but as soon as he did he felt a pen on his arm once again

I love you...just remember that...

Alex smiled and remembered what his Soulmate said we all have battle scars...I'm not alone... he soon felt sleep grow over him like a shadow and his vision went black.

The song is called Battle scars by Paradise Fears and it is a really inspirational song and I felt like it would be a fitting thing for this book and I just wanted a bit more of a fluffy inspirational scene I guess...but I updated twice today! I'm proud of myself! I never do that unless I have enough ideas for 2 or more chapters.

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