Chapter 3 - Deadly Training

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            Hey, my lovely readers. I'm so sorry that I haven't worked on this for at least two years. Things just kind of didn't work out and this wasn't one of my main focuses. Please forgive me and rest assured that I will be starting to update this again. New chapters will probably happen once to thrice a month and if one won't be published, I will let you know. So let us continue on your adventure!



          I awoke to the loud beeping of my alarm clock. I yawned in exhaustion because I stayed up all night to complete the homework Gryphon assigned to me. Sadly, I only got through about four books and two papers, obviously, I did the easiest books first. I completed them in the order as followed; Physical Science, Geography, Biology, and Periodic table - Gases and Liquids. When I checked the time I quickly jumped up from the chair I fell asleep at and tried to rush around my room. Although gravity decided to curse me and I fell face-first on the floor. I let out a huff as I lifted myself off the ground.

       Quickly running downstairs I started to prepare breakfast. What I made today were pancakes, with a plate of strawberries and blueberries, and a basket of warm bread. I just finished setting the table when I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed to the door and my eyes opened wide in surprise when I saw Gryphon standing outside my door at 6:00 in the morning.
      All he said was, "Hello, a beautiful morning isn't it?" with my mouth agape I just simply nodded. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" and with that statement I snapped out of my trance and invited him in. He walked straight to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I glanced curiously over at him but silently added another plate to the table. I wonder what my brother will think of this.
       As I finished making the breakfast I heard my aunt storm down the stairs. "(Y/N)! What did I tell you about cleaning my balcony last night!? You were supposed to sweep off ALL of the dead leaves! I just went out and instantly I stepped on a-!.....Oh why hello there handsome. What can I do for you?" my aunt stopped shouting when she noticed Gryphon sitting silently at the table, drinking a glass of wine that came out of nowhere. "You seem very stressed, would you like a smoke?" Gryphon replied smoothly holding out a cigarette, that again came from nowhere. My aunt placed a hand on her chest and smiled cheekily, "Oh why thank you. You're such a gentleman. Do you know.....that monster?" she looked at me during the last question and I looked towards my feet in shame. "If you mean the child, then yes I do." Gryphon glanced at me as my aunt threw me a powerful glare. "Well, I'll be back in a little bit, I just need to freshen up." and my aunt sauntered out of the kitchen. Gryphon whispered, only loud enough for me to hear, "Thank god." he then looked at me and showed me his ring finger, "Don't worry I'm already taken." I nodded with a sweat-drop. 

        Soon Thomas walked down the stairs and the instant he saw Gryphon, he was instantly standing in front of me in a protective stance. "Who are you and what are you doing in here? Did you touch (Y/N)? Who let you in?" he gave Gryphon a hard glare. "My name is Gryphon and I am here to have breakfast. We haven't had any kind of inappropriate physical contact. (Y/N) herself let me in. Any other questions?" Gryphon replied smoothly. Thomas looked at me with a questioning look. "He's my mentor, big brother. Gryphon is going to train me so I can get into U.A. High School. Please don't be mad, the least we can do is provide a meal for him." he hesitated and looked at me then to Gryphon and back agin until he finally nodded and slowly sat down at the table, straight across from Gryphon...silently staring...not looking away at all.

        Then my younger brother Alex walked down and jumped onto my back full of excitement, "Guess what big sister! They discovered a new rock that could power all the worlds generators in Taiwan!" I smiled at him and set him in his chair, "Really? That's amazing!" Alex nodded with enthusiasm. "Oh yes, that material, although I don't think it would be enough to power the whole world. They would need a substantial amount of it but since it is one of the rarest metals in the world I don't think that would happen anytime soon." Alex's eyes opened wide. "You know about the Subzero titanium silver colloid!?(I don't know lol, I just added some metal word like things together XD) They said that some might be stolen to be sold on the black market since it would be able to power practically anything for an unknown amount of time." Gryphon nodded, "I wouldn't be surprised if they stole all of it, although they would have to go through a very large amount of security. Probably only someone with a very powerful quirk would try to obtain all of it though." Gryphon and Alex continued to talk about this unknown powerful metal. I guess I don't have to worry about Alex liking Gryphon. I sighed in relief, my worry slowly fading away.

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