Chapter 1: Attacked by a Tulip

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Ruby giggles as spars against Qrow in the backyard.

Every move she made was swift and accurate, two things a she needs to be a perfect Scythe wielder.

Without these two things, it would end up with her hurting herself and those that she doesn't want to hurt.

Grabbing her scythe, Qrow throws Ruby off balance and kicks her away. "Alright, I think that's all for today. I'm beat."

"OK, Uncle Qrow-" but her sentence was cut short when a dagger grazes her arm and Qrow's side.

Both Scythe wielders get into action and got into a defensive pose.

Looking ahead they were met with two people,

a woman in her 20's, with pale skin, long black hair that ombre into purple, bright pink eyes, and a mole on her left cheek.

She's wearing a shoulder-less sweetheart dark purple shirt, maroon mid length pants, maroon ankle high heeled boots with pink ties, upper arm purple fingerless gloves with fur bracelets, pink loop earrings, and a pink choker.

The girl next to her look exactly like her with short black hair that ombre into a lighter shade of purple, her eyes were a darker shade and she had no mole.

She's wearing a dark purple long sleeve dress with the tip of the dress ombre into a lighter purple with matching purple ruffles, the sleeves were a dark pink.

She has on a long maroon ribbon with a small tulip pendant on it, a maroon belt, see-thru black stockings, and flat maroon ankle boots with dark pink ties.

Once they saw the Tulip symbols they knew exactly who they're dealing with.

The older woman smirks "Hello Qrow, it's been a long time, you remember my darling daughter Jasper."

The Huntsmen growls "I don't know why you're here Paige, but you need to leave now."

Page chuckles as she brings out her weapon which was two duel curved bladed weapons with a rotating dust dial in the middle.

Jasper also brings out her weapon which is a light purple sword that has a rotating dust dial as well.

"Fat chance!" moving forward while Page kept Qrow busy, Jasper and Ruby fought against each other.

Ruby grunts as she dodges a swipe to the side from Jasper, she retaliated by slamming Crescent Rose into her face.

The Black and purple eyed girl growls in anger as she rushes forward their weapons clashed multiple times as they tried to hit each other.

They both countered each other and glared "Why are you here?" Ruby demanded.

Jasper smirks "It's the traditional Tulip family rite of passage, I have to get rid of a Rose and you are the lucky Rose!"

Ruby smirks "Fat chance, the only one that'll be dealt with, is you!" using her strength to push Jasper away she shoots at her and hits her in the shoulder.

The Tulip growls as she brings out a strange orb and activates it, narrowing her eyes Ruby shoots at it.

Doing so made it exploded and push everyone away from it.

But the dust from the explosion swirls around until a blue vortex appeared in midair.

The wind around became so strong that it brought both Ruby and Jasper off their feet, they planted their weapons into the ground to stay put.


"Uncle Qrow!"

Getting up both adults look at their girls as their weapons lost their grip into the ground and were pulled through.

"NO!" They ran to it but it was too late, the portal exploded again.

"Ruby!" Qrow growled in pure rage.

And he knows just the person to take it out on.

He charges towards Page and attacked her without giving her a chance to retaliate, the young woman tries to move but Qrow didn't let her as he knocks her staffs out of her hands.

Moving behind her and using the hilt of his weapon he knocks her out.

Not taking a moment, he goes into the house and grab some rope and ties her up.

Bringing out his scroll he calls Rapunzel, Ruby's grandmother.

"Qrow? What is it?"

The Huntsmen looks down at where the portal was "Me and Ruby were attacked by Page Tulip and her daughter...and Ruby and said daughter were accidentally sucked into a portal that was made by a Dimensional orb."


"Ruby had no idea what it was and destroyed it which caused a chain reaction. And by the time I could react, her and Jasper went through the portal. But that's not the issue now, because of this little accident who knows where both of them will end up."

Rapunzel sighs "I see. Bring Page to the Rozliya prison in Vale, she will pay for this. Then come to the family estate. We'll talk more there."

Nodding his head, he walks back inside the house and left a note for Taiyang; telling him that him and Ruby are seeing her family.

He really doesn't have the heart to tell him the truth and know it'll crush him more.

Once that was finished he grabs a still unconscious Page and left to take an airbus back to Vale.

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