There were eleven dancers on stage, their backs facing the audience. They spun around following the rhythm of the unrecognizable song. It must've been a piece composed by one of their Music professors. Yoongi stared boredly at the stage, letting his eyes dart from one dancer to another. Nothing seemed to capture his interest until his sharp gaze fell upon a guy. Yoongi's brown eyes widened in realization. This very attractive stranger was the only male in the group.

Min Yoongi was not the kind of person to admire or worship physical appearance; he fell for the mind and soul. However, he couldn't help but stand in awe of the beautiful boy who seemed to light up the entire room with his presence alone.

His fluffy brown hair fell messily over his sweaty forehead, almost long enough to cover his dark eyes. His plump lips were slightly parted, short puffs of air escaping them every once in a while. Dancer's body moved smoothly and gracefully with no trace of hesitation or uncertainty. All of the dancers were in sync, focusing hard on doing every move correctly and trying not to fall behind with the complicated choreography.

With his dancer, though, that was not the case.

He would often close his eyes, letting the music consume his body and carry him; he looked happy and at ease, not at all affected by the world outside of his own mind.

God, how Yoongi wanted him.

''Who is that?'' Yoongi asked his friends, not looking away from the stunning male.

''Who? Oh, the guy? That's Jimin, I think he's one of the top dancers. Why?'' Tae said, slurping his drink loudly.

Yoongi shrugged, grimacing at his friend's action.

''I know that look. You want him, don't you?''



The applause of the audience died down as Yoongi tried to locate the boy that sparked his interest. Before he could go and look for him, Taehyung started yelling right into his ear.

''Will you come with me? I wanna see Hye.''

''Sure.'' Yoongi agreed, a smirk creeping over his pale face.

''You coming with us, Joon?'' Tae asked, looking back at their friend.

''No, I'm good.'' He answered, looking down at his phone and smiling at the cute text his boyfriend Jin just sent him.


Yoongi awkwardly stared at the ground while Taehyung congratulated Hye, showering her with compliments. He looked up when he heard a soft, melodic voice not too far away from where they were standing. The sweet voice belonged to none other than Yoongi's pretty dancer.

''You were amazing up there.'' Yoongi complimented while approaching the shorter boy confidently.

Jimin turns around, a wide smile plastered on his face.

''Ah, thank you. The team really appreciates the support-''

''I was talking solely about you, cutie.'' Yoongi interrupted.

''Oh. Thank you.'' He repeats quietly, trying to hide his blushing cheeks by looking at the ground. Yoongi, however, notices right away and smiles. Jimin was even more beautiful up close.

Pretty Dancer [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now