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Date - 20 October, 1843.

The Governor-General of Hindustan,                                                                                                                             Sir Edward Law.

                                                          Writing to you is the ousted queen of Awadh, Mahashweta Rani. It brings immense pain to me while penning this letter to you. As you would remember that about few months back when tension was surging between His Honour, the Nawab and me, you were swift in making a proposal to me as to which I should help the British East India Company in annexing Awadh and in return I could demand anything I want.  

                                                          Now as the times are forcing me, I think I would reconsider my stand on the proposal and cite for an yes. So if you still need me, please inform me. Also, I wish to state that I want this to be kept as secret and please burn the letter after you read this. 

Mahashweta Rani,                                                                                                                                                             Awadh.     

                                  And so wrote the architect of the Awadhi downfall, or maybe her own too. Even white roses do have black shadows.

                 "Here I am in the forest, dark and deep, to offer you eternal sleep, my bloody Nawab.", yells Mahashweta, with a turmoil happening inside her. The clouds burst and rain splattered with a tremendous noise as Mahashweta folds and seals the letter, here comes the autumnal storm.


Sorry guys for such late update.  I was caught up in my school and a series of tests. Again a sorry for inconvenience. The next chapter will come out soon, stay tuned.  

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