"Don't even trust you?" I asked.

"To an extent. I haven't showed up to your house to fight you for what you did the first night we met." She stood up. She pulled me up at my request

"If you have more questions find Irene. She seems to always be in trouble."


She patted my face. I'm on good terms with this girl. I know one thing for sure. That's not Alena.

"I'm going to head home. Since I trust you...." She handed me a flip phone. "This phone is used to make calls. In my phone I have Irene, who actually is really good at treating wounds, the police chief and now you."

"You have the police chief?"

"For back up purposes."

"What should I use mine for?"

"Thinks related to your superhero personality. You decide who you put on here."

"Who pays for this?"

"The police does I guess. I help them alot and they gave me this so they can contact me."

"Or follow you." I frowned.

"Yes yes I know.... I have my own person on the inside who made sure they can't do that." She put her hands on her hips in triumph. "Plus I don't take this damn phone everywhere I go."

"You got this all figured out."

"Better to be over prepared than under prepared." She shrugged.

"Well thank you anyway. I hope you can trust me with other things. Like your name."

"I'd have to trust you with my life before I tell you my name." She hopped off the building and jumped away with her purple light

Alena isn't quirky or makes silly jokes. Alena is serious and suspicious. I should go see what she's up to but I better head home.


I went into the girls room and forced them all awake. Execpt for Venus I didn't want to anger her more.

Astrid glared at me. "Did you go out last night?" She whispered.

I took note of the people in my surroundings. Jonelle was in the bathroom and Venus was still sleeping. I got to Astrid's bed. "Yes. I don't need to tell you anything."

"I heard that Clone was seen in the city last night.

I nodded. "It wasn't anything special. This time she didn't punch me."

"This time? You sound proud."

"She patted my face. It was nice. It meant alot actually. It meant I made a new friend. Or maybe -"

"All she did was tap your face. You are this worked up over a tap? A more than friend." Astrid wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed and got dressed. We headed to school. Venus was walking with a book at hand.

I don't know why but I couldn't take my eyes off her. I kept staring her down trying to observe her. I guess I was thinking about my apology....

Clone suggested I do one. Clone is basically my newest best friend.


I sat in school writing my apology. It was going to be a long one. I'm trying to get her to forgive me. That's a hard task.

I sat down at the lunch table and continued to write. "What are you doing gorgeous?" Percy asked leaning on me trying to see.

"Well it's an apology letter for someone I hurt pretty bad. I thought my name was beautiful?" I looked at him.

"Nah. Andre is beautiful."

"Have I been demoted that quickly?"

"Its ok. Gorgeous is good too."

"What am I?" Venus asked dropping a bag of Doritos infront of me and going around to the rest of the table

"Mom." Andre started as the bag was placed infront of him.

"Angel" Percy.

"Goddess"  Barrett said as he recieved his Doritos.  She smiled and

"What am I?" Alena sat down next to me. What was she trying to do.




"A bitch" Venus mumbled. The table went silent as we looked Venus's way.

"I thought your issues with her were resolved?" Andre asked.

"They never were and the very fact she continues to show her face at this table makes me loose my appetite." Venus glared pushing her plate away. "I'll leave instead."

"No don't." Andre said. Alena really just likes to start drama.

"I think I'll say what we are thinking. Alena you have friends at that table, Venus had been sitting here for the whole semester."

"But I'm so nice to you guys." Alena pouted. "Zaaaach."

"Come on Zach. Your daddy is calling " Venus sipped her sprite. The hostility in her body managed to hit me.

"Come on Venus...."

"You're right. I'm sorry Zach for dissing your girlfriend."

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"Oh that reminds me. You should ask me out." Alena whispered.


"Because Clone and Castello are-"

"OH THAT REMINDS ME." Peter yelled. "Clone was on the news late last night. I got to say hi. She is literally so sweet.

The pulled out his phone and played the news. "This is Heather Fiona reporting live from uptown Astmeld. Where sources have said Clone is seen to be fighting. Oh wait! Here she comes!"

A purple flash went across the screen. "Clone? Clone!"

"I can't really talk at the moment. It isn't safe here guys." She said trying to get the reporter away.

Alena narrowed her eyes. "I actually-"

"Shh Venus said leaning in to watch the video.

"You will regret that."

"I regret little to none." Venus frowned. "But I do regret letting you take control.

What is she talking about?

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