Talk with Admin

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Me: Hey Admin!

(Admin: What's up?)

Me: Well I was thinking.

(Admin: *spits out water* You were thinking?)

Me: Shut up Sassy Admin! Well anyways, we all know how I like Draco, right?

(Admin: Of course we do, we have like 20 Draco X Reader stories in our library.)

Me: Did you have to let everybody know that!

(Admin: Yeah!)

Me: Oh, Admin... Well, we also all know Draco's aunt is Bella and Bella likes Volde.

(Admin: Oh I see where you are going)

Me: So yeah, since Bella likes Volde and they are probably gonna end up together, that means if I end up with Draco I am going to be related to Volde.

(Admin: Yes, that is true and I have thought about that. It makes me cringe. O.o)

Me: At least Tom is deaged.

(Admin: True)

Me: So what should I do?

(Admin: If you like Draco go for him!)

Me: Thanks Admin! *hugs*

(Admin: Aww, thanks! I knew you had a soft side!)

Me: Yeah, I do, but I also have a tough side. So all of you out there Draco is mines!

(Admin+Me: Bye everybody!)

-Sandrina of Slytherin 🐍💞🐍

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