Truths! 😀

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Me: There are no dares today!

All: Yes!😃

Me: But there are truths! 😉
To be exact one truth!

All: Who gets it?

Me: Everybody *smirks*

Ron: Really?

Me: Yerp.

Fred: What is...

George: it?

Me: You all must admit your crushes! *dances*

Draco: What if we lie?

Me: Covered! You can't! You must take a truth potion before you answer!

All: No!

Me : Yep! Harry goes first. Also I get to shock you if you don't take the potion or say your crush!

Harry: Fine! *drinks potion* Ginny!

*Ginny blushes*

Me: Okay now Ron!

Ron: *drinks potion* Hermione!

*Hermione smiles*

Me- Okay. Yay! Romoione and Hinny! Hermione!

Hermione- *drinks potion* Ron!

Me: :D Romione! Draco's turn!

Draco- Fine! *Drinks potion* You!

Me- *Blushes* Um.... OK. * is blushing like crazy*

Hermione- *Takes list* Sandrina you go!

Me: That wasn't on the list! I go last!

Hermione- *giggles* Fine, but somebody has a crush!

Me: Also, you guys can call me Drina if you want.

Hermione: Nah, were good calling you Sandrina.

Me: OK. Next we are doing Fred and George!

Fred: We really

George: don't have one.

Me: K. Next is Ginny!

Ginny: Harry!

Me: Okay! Hinny! Yay! We might need to put James in a closet for the next one.

Lily: Why?

Me: Snape's turn! *puts James in small closet*

Snape: Lily!

Me: Three, Two, One.

James: Lily is mine, Severus!

Me: That was better than what I had hoped for. Lupin your turn!

Lupin: Tonks!

Me: *makes Tonks magically appear*

*Lupin and Tonks hug*

Me: Cute! James you go!

James: Lily!

*James and Lily hug, while Snape feels like an outcast.*

Me: Aw! Now Lily goes!

Lily: James!

Me: Yay! Sirius can go!

Sirius: *stares at me like I'm a potato or something*

Me: I bet you 10 dollars he doesn't have one.

Some except for muggleborns and Harry: What are dollars?

Me, Hermione, and Lily: *Facepalm*

Sirius: Yeah, I don't have one.

Me: Now Luna!

Luna: Neville!

Me: *smiles* and Neville!

Neville: Luna!

Me: Okay, I think that is all...

Hermione: No! You have to go!

(Admin: Yep, it is only fair)

Me: Admin! I thought you were with me! Blood traitor!

(Admin: *smirks*)

Me: Fine! *Drinks potion, but covers mouth*

Hermione: No! *Takes Hands off of mouth!*

Me: Draco! *blushes* um...

Draco: *Hugs me*

Me: *Smiles*

(Admin: I'll end it today as it is obi. that they are having a moment. Bye!)

Hi! It is me, the famous Sandrina! ;) Not really, but okay! I hope y'all have a great day and keep on doing what you love. Also please do not judge or make fun of me for the ships I support. Bye


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