Chapter 8

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Shania Pov.:

Like the last few years, I had to go to school with Robert, my little brother but this year Paula and Mira drive me to school. When I jumped downstairs, I called Paula.

P: Hey Shai. What's up?

S: Hey, are we still watching TVD tonight at yours?

P: Yeah sure. Mira and I start in ten minutes. Be ready. Bye.

S: See u later.

"Mum? Dad?" Then I saw Mum on the table while she kissed Dad. "Hey, your son is here in five seconds. Do it later or in your room. Please, no boy wants to see his parents kissing especially not Rob." Mum blushed a little while Dad handed me two plates with pancakes and blueberries. "Thanks" I went to the living room where I ate my breakfast and Rob came. "are these Dads famous pancakes?" I nodded and left the house when the Graham car came.

"Ok. What's with Lucas? He's so damn hot. In a matter of time, he'll be my boyfriend." Mira looked at me. She looked like aunt Candice but with uncle Joes nose. She fell in love with Lucas when we were 14 and we made a romantic scene. "Shut up, Mira. I'm done with him. There are hotter boys on our school than Lucas. Take him and don't talk about him." Maybe I was a little bit harsh but I can't speak about Lucas. He had done something bad and I can't forget it. Every day I look at his house and I ask myself what I have done that we would do something that bad like he did a few weeks ago. Then Paula parked the car in a parking lot and when we went to the others, I saw Scott Powell. I ran to him. "Scott, is that you?" He turned his face and I saw his face after a long time again. "Shania? Shania Somerhalder?" I nodded and ran into his arms. "I missed you, Powell" "I missed you too, Somerhalder." Then Mira and Paula came to us. "And who is this, Shania Kira Somerhalder?" "An old friend" We talked a little bit and the bell rang.


Hey lovelies!

hope you love the chapter, give feedback and write how you liked the switch from Nian to Shania.


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