The Beginning

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Yoongi's POV
It's Saturday afternoon and where am I going on this perfect Saturday afternoon? School. Fucking detention. I'm already done with this, I just hope I'm alone and don't have to deal with people. I honestly just want to sleep right now anyways. I sigh as I open the front doors to the school and walk down the halls to the detention room. Please let me be alone please let me be alone please let me be alone I say in my head as I open the door to the room. Fuck I think as I saw six other people sitting in the room, why is there so many people?! What do so many people do to get detention on a Saturday? "Ah Mr.Min right on time! Take a seat. Now that we are all here, detention was started you will be released in 3 hours" principal bang said then left probably to his office down the hall.

I sat in the back and looked at the others that were here. Park Jimin, the schools smart ass. If I ever have to talk to him more than 5 minutes I'll probably murder him. Kim Taehyung, he's a dumbass..... simple as that. Jeon Jungkook, lit the bathroom on fire.... I guess he could be the schools "bad boy" but he's annoying. Kim Seokjin, he seems nice... I heard he tells lame ass jokes.... i wonder why he's here. Jung Hoseok, now he defines loud, annoying, sarcastic but shit can he dance. Kim Namjoon, we used to be friends until he decided he was too smart and left me for others. I admit he's smart as hell but he's an ass.

I was about to put my head on the desk and sleep when I heard "So I suggest we find a way out of here!" I looked up and found that it was Taehyung. "How genius? Once detention starts all doors are locked from the inside." Namjoon said. "I can break things down! I don't want to be here anymore and we still have 3 hours" Jungkook said suddenly. "Yeah I can't be stuck in here with no food. It's a crime" Seokjin said "I HAVE A PARTY TO BE AT AND NEED TO LEAVE SO IM DOWN" Hoseok screamed. "Shut up. Jesus don't you have an inside voice?" Jimin snapped at Hoseok. "Yoongi? Aren't you going to say something?" I heard Namjoon ask me and I looked at him "I don't care" I said.

"ALRIGHT! But before we start breaking things.... let's learn names. I'm Kim Taehyung but y'all can call me Tae" Taehyung or Tae said. "Park Jimin. You all probably fucking know me call me Jimin unless you want to die" Jimin said next. "Jeon Jungkook. Call me Jungkook." Jungkook said quickly. Finally someone that doesn't waste time. Kim Namjoon. You guys can call me Namjoon" Namjoon said then Seokjin followed "Kim Seokjin but call me Jin" next was Hoseok "Jung Hoseok but call me Hobi or Jhope" last was me "Min Yoongi. Call me Yoongi or Suga" I said and now that that was done I guess we have to get out of here then.

"Alright when I kick this door down we'll have to run since Mr. Bang will probably hear. So where do we run to?" Jungkook asked everyone. Everyone started talking at once when I had enough "SHUT UP! FUCKING CHRIST! We can run to the library since it's the only room not locked. From there we can go into the stair case that leads to god knows where" I said. "Right..... what if we fucking die following the damn stair case genius? No way" Namjoon said making me roll my eyes. "Then stay here. See if you get out then. The library is all we got right now" I said then added a snarky "Geniuuuusss" at the end. "Alright to the fucking library it is. But if we die. I'll see you fuckers in hell" Jimin says rolling his head back to crack his neck.

"THREE TWO ONE GOOOO" Hobi screamed as Jungkook kicked the wooden door down and we all ran down the hall to the library. "Hurry the fuck up Yoongi it was your genius idea to go into this damn staircase you go first!" Jin yelled. We climbed the stairs to the door that led to the creepy staircase and I opened the door. It seemed like the stairs led downwards... I pulled out my phone and tuned on the flashlight and walked down slowly. "LAST ONE CLOSE THE DOOR AND STAY FUCKING QUIET" I yelled one last time before staying silent. I heard the door close and could only see what was in front of me because of the flashlight. After like 5 whole minutes of going down I knew we were definitely under ground then I entered a room that had candles all around it lighting it up so I was able to see.

We all entered the room and looked around, "great I don't think there's a fucking way out of here. We should go back" Namjoon said but to me he sounded scared. "No do you guys hear that?" Jimin asked and we all stopped to listen. "We heard something like water dropping really far away and I decided to follow it I stopped when I stood in front of a glowing green wall with seven handprints next to each other on it. "Um guys....  come look at this" I said trying not to freak out. As I heard everyone walk to where I was I heard many "what the hell's and oh hell no's" Jin was the first to speak "why are there 7 hand prints on it?" He asked to no one specific.

"I SAY WE ALL PUT OUR HANDS ON THEM!" Taehyung said cheerfully. "Bitch do you want to die? Are you really that stupid?" Jungkook said biting his head. "Cmon Jungkook it's not like anything bad will really happen. Just let the boy have his moment" Hobi said putting his hand on one of the prints. Soon everyone except me had their hands on one of the handprints, "Yoongi stop being a bitch and let Tae have this moment please? Then we can find a way out" Namjoon said to me. I rolled my eyes and slowly put my hand on the last open print but as soon as I did all the candles around the room started going out and the glowing green wall started blinking rapidly.

"What the hell is going on?!" Jin yelled when all the candles were out, the light from the wall the only way we could see anything. Just then the words "you are chosen" in bright green appeared on the wall "what the fuck? Chosen?" Namjoon asked more confused than anything. "IS THIS A JOKE?! I bet you planned this Yoongi!" Jimin screamed "SHUT THE FUCK UP I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS" I yelled back. "CHOSEN FOR WHAT?!" Taehyung screamed to no one really and that's when the room started shaking. "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF NOW!" Jungkook screamed and when I tried I couldn't.

"I CANT! IM STUCK" I heard Hobi scream and agreements from everyone else. "OKAY WHOEVER PLANNED THIS IS FUCKED UP" I yelled now more scared than anything. "I told you guys we'd die! See you in hell" Jimin said before everything stopped shaking. We were all still stuck and looked at each other, the wall glowed bright green once more before I saw it start to crack. "Okay guys I'm scared" Jin said and everyone agreed.

The last thing I heard was a loud crack and the screams of everyone else and I was out.

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