Part 1: Always Be Yourself

Start from the beginning

It has been three years since all four friends have been living under the same roof. Now it is just Chelsea and she likes it that way. She doesn't find it lonely and depressing any more. She is thankful for the quiet and the space given. The house seemed rather small when all four of them were living in it and going to college. Even after college, when they all had jobs and were unmarried. Now, it is large for just one person. She is always thankful for the size though, when people came to visit. Its basement has often come in handy with the Kansas weather, as well.

"Keep talking. I am listening!" Chelsea hollers from the next room over. She rummages through her modest-sized closet, quickly trying to find something she can wear that is nice, but not so nice that she doesn't feel herself.

Kristine groans, giving in and making Chelsea laugh. "What do you want to know?" She hears Kristine unfold her hands and smack them against her jeans in frustration at how Chelsea is acting. She knows Kristine isn't used to her being stubborn, but she is now, especially now. She has to be.

"Just give me something to go on!" She yells back. "Something that won't make me want to run the second I meet him."

"He is adorable." She gushes, saying the first thing that comes to mind.

Chelsea peeks out of the door frame with a scowl clearly on her face. "That means he is chunky." Chelsea, of course, wouldn't mind a heavier set man, but she was enjoying annoying her friends for once. Katarina snorts from laughing too hard and Cheyenne elbows her in the side while shooting her a warning look. Chelsea disappears quickly behind the door again, discarding the hideous green dress they had put her in.

"No." Kristine whines, quick to come to the mystery man's defense. "He isn't. He is quite good-looking."

"Quite." The other two women echo at the same time.

Chelsea manages to find a nice shirt to accompany her dark jeans. After throwing them on with only slight care, she starts to fix her hair. "You all are married, or nearly married, so your judgement of men's looks no longer count. Your idea of a good-looking male is based on your perfect significant other." Chelsea tries not to laugh at her own words, knowing she is just toying with them, though it is slightly true. "So, he is a great guy that happens to be cute. That still isn't enough for me to like the idea of going to meet him. Looks aren't everything, you know. They fade." She counters with her tone now serious. It has always been the one statement she has kept in the front of her mind. While her friends were always pointing out cute boys, Chelsea was always the one to comment on their personality rather than their physical looks.

"He likes the outdoors." Cheyenne chimes in, trying to help the situation.

"Okay. A nature guy. That is one small point in his favor. What else?" Chelsea checks herself in the mirror, making sure no tags are sticking out, or clothing bunched up in weird places. She has to admit, she looks rather good, and more like herself.

Kristine groans again, causing Chelsea to giggle to herself while looking in the mirror. "I'm not telling you everything I know about him. You have to ask him yourself."

Chelsea can tell Kristine is getting frustrated. She decides to walk out of the room, with hands on her hips and a smirk. "Well where is the fun in that?" She remarks sarcastically at Kristine's refusal to say anything more. After a few seconds of their silence and staring, Chelsea checks herself over again to see if anything is wrong or out of place. "What?" She asks, looking back at them for a second dropping her arms in insecurity, and feeling her cheeks flame red in slight embarrassment. Had she made a poor choice in apparel? "I mean I know it is not what you had in mind, and if he won't like it then..."

Chelsea is cut off by Katarina. "No, Chelsea." She walks over to Chelsea, turning her slightly to get a better look. "You look hot." She puts extra emphasis on the word hot, making Chelsea feel slightly better about herself, but no less awkward at the situation. No one calls Chelsea Ward hot, do-able maybe or even cute, but never hot.

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