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2 days later.•.•.

I paced my leg back and forth trying to hide the fact I'm still in slight pain from Xander. He had his back to me and holding Sidney. I appreciate how much he is already working for her. I smile weakly as he turned around with Sid. "You up for it?" He asked, I nod slowly and lift up my bed slightly. Slipping my gown off of my shoulder I take her from him.

She latched on pretty quickly. I press on the area of my boob as it stings. A lot. I open my mouth clearly not comfortable with this but I have to be. I look at her my eyebrows drawn together. She was enjoying this.

"She's so cute..." I mumble the pain clearly showing in my voice. He tangled his hand in my hair and smiles at me. "Does that hurt you?" Xander asks noticing the strain coming from me. Nodding slowly I say- "yes, but I'm stttyill haviving contrAActikns." That entire sentence was made of non English words. Xander nodded slowly frowning. He caresses my face and placed his chin on my shoulder. When she finished I covered back up and held her close to my chest.

A week later.•.•.

"Should I skip class today? I mean it's your coming home 'party'?" He questions sadly. I finish wrapping up sid in her swaddle then pick her up. I turn towards him and smile. "It's ok! Your education is more important than me coming home!" I say caressing the side of his face. He puts his hand on mine then frowns again. "But I ruined your education because of this?" He questions. I frown then get back to smiling quickly.

"No you didn't! Takes two to tango, baby!" I say loudly. He laughs and I peck his lips. Xander pulls away then kisses the beanie on Sid's head. I let out a pleased laugh and kiss him again. "I Love You so much!" I say against his lips then kiss Sid's head afterwards. I walk out of the room and Xander follows with my bag.

I guess gabby was waiting out here because she instantly jogs towards us with grabby hands for sid. I laugh and hand sid to her. She mouths hi then kisses her head. She hands her back and walks out with me.

Few hours later.•.•.

I sit back to back with a tree outside of course with my knees up and legs together and Sid on my lap. I see someone sit by me but I don't take my eyes off of sid. "Not in labor my butt." I hear a familiar voice. I groan and lean my head down. "Your job is to make my day bad isn't it?" I say swinging my head dramatically in his direction.

"We never really met properly, Micheal." He says holding out his hand to shake. I sigh and shake his hand. "Thanks for helping me that day..." I say slowly and over dramatically for sid would stay happy. "You're welcome. Did you know you were having a girl?" He questions looking off at the sky. I shake my head no as he looks back. "Nope, the ultrasound said she was a boy." I say laughing. "Well that was clearly wrong." He says laying down on the grass.

He's actually a nice guy but I was just being a bitch. We talk for hours while I wait for Xander to get out of class.

Xander comes out and sits next to me. He glares at Micheal for a second but I just ignore it. Xander tickles Sid's chest then pecks my lips. "Hey, man." Micheal says to Xander. All he does is wave and continues to stare at Sidney. I smile and pet his hair like an animal then run my finds through his hair. I keep my hand there and just watch him watching sid starstruck.

"Well, nice talking, but this is a family moment." Micheal says then gets up and leaves. I waved bye but his back was facing us. I frown but stop quickly as sid starts to pout. I pick sid up and carefully hand her to Xander. After I did that I leaned on his shoulder and watched her kicking around happily as she sees her dad. I smile and choke out a laugh. Xander takes her out of her swaddle to be just in her onesie and socks.

I 'pinch' her tiny toes and she jerked back her leg. I laugh again and continue to stare at her. "I love you guys so much." I say with my cheek smushed against his shoulder. He smiles and kisses the top of my head then Sid's.

Gabby comes running along and does a baseball slide pretty much to get to us quicker. I laugh after I moved my hand from Sid's face just in case. She plops down next to me and leans on my shoulder after I sat up. "You are desperate to see sid all the time aren't you." I say laughing. She nods and smiles at sid. Xander laughs to and hands sid to her.

"Hi, baby girl!" She says fake throwing up a bit. I gasped the first time and reached out for her a bit. But, I realized she wasn't really going to throw her. She hugs her loosely then holds her close to her chest. "You know this is my child, right?" I say laughing my ass off. She snorts. "Who knew? You were only in labor for about 5 Days!" She says looking at me and rolling her eyes. I stare at her wide eyed. "You know how to count right?" I Ask laughing again. She shakes her head. "Blah blah blah math math math." She says moving her hand is a circular motion. I laugh and lean on her shoulder.

6 months later.•.•.

I hold back the tears as she crawls around. "AWEE!!" I nearly scream as tears stream down my face. She's so adorable. I type in Xander's number quickly and wait for his to pick up.

"Hey ba-are you crying?" He asks immediately. I let out a small laugh then say yeah while wiping my eyes. "Why?" He asks like he's ready to attack someone. I laugh again. "Sidney's crawling!" I squeak as she crawls over to me on the floor. I pick her up and set her in my lap. "I'm going to come over after class." He says, I can practically here the smile in his voice.


~~1 year later~~
(Not plus the 6 months)

"Please, sid?" I ask desperately. I stare at her as she sits back down. I groan. I walk towards her and stand her back up. I let go and take a few steps back. "Come to mommy!!" I say happily trying to get her to walk over here. She giggles and stumbles towards me. She almost falls but I catch her. I throw her up in the air and then kiss her face all over. Her laugh is infectious. Just then Xander walks in. "Xander! I got her to walk!!" I say excitedly. His face lights up.

"Did my girly walk!!" He says in an amusing voice. I laugh at it and so does Sid when she jumps out of my arms and into his. He did exactly what I did. Sid stops the laughing fit she was in and plays the drums on Xander's face. I start laughing my ass off. "How's my other girl?" Xander turns to me and smiles. I smile back. I hug his neck and kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm doing fine other than this little rascal trampling me every morning!" I say in a bubbly voice for Sid doesn't get the wrong idea. She laughs and jumps back in my arms.

Xander's POV

I walk in the bathroom and my eyes automatically drift to a box on the counter. My mouth drops open as I realize what it is.

Pregnancy test

I pick it up and leave the bathroom. "Uh Blair?" I ask behind her she looks at me and smiles. "I couldn't think of any other way to tell you." She says looking back at Sidney playing with her toys. My mouth drops open again. "By the way. I'm going to kill you later." She says while laughing. I laugh too.

Thank you for reading!!

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