"Go away!" she seethes from behind the door, coldness seeping through the thin wood. Backing up, my eyes widen as ice freezes the door shut.

"I'm sorry" I called through the door, my hand resting on the center of the entrance. "I know there isn't anything I can do to make you forgive me-"

"You're right, there isn't" she hisses. "I told you to stay away from me."

I tried to plead with her, "We can't resolve this if we don't talk about it!"

"Who says I wanted to resolve anything?" she asks bitterly from behind the door, her voice cracking. "We're not friends Dakota Lee. I don't want to waste my time making amends with the likes of you. So go away."

Putting my face in my hands, I try to hold in a cry. I hated myself for becoming what my father was. For stooping to his level and hurting someone I thought could be a friend. While Bolin seemed happy to see me, how would my other friends react. Even Korra might diss me.

How ironic, the sidekick being cast aside like a piece of trash. Yet again, I wasn't the sidekick, or the Avatar's lapdog before I came to this city. Letting out a shaky breath, I finally say something.

"You have destroyed my life, it started the first day we met" I say quietly "All it took was for you to look at me and hear my name, and it became your sole purpose to destroy me. Of course before the South Pole, I did nothing to make you hate me." Pausing, I look down to the ground.

"Yet still, I couldn't help but admire you. Maybe it was because our Grandparents were best friends, and they hold such a place in my heart, or maybe because how free you were. I was raised behind walls, never being able to experience what you did, or even gain the attention you do" I sigh. "I was hoping even after what I did to you, we could still be..."

Suddenly the door opened, and I stumbled down to the ground. Looking up at Leinani, I frown. "Are you done feeling sorry for yourself?" she asks.

"I didn't think you were listening" I admit.

"And so you kept talking?" she scoffs. "That's stupid."

"So..d-do you forgive me?"


Raising to my feet, my eyes widen. Of course I expected this from her, but I couldn't help but be shocked. "But I-"

"I heard everything you said" Leinani snaps, cutting me off. "But quite frankly, I don't give a care in the world what you said. You got emotional about something that was forever ago, something everyone forgot. You ruined my life, but instead of staying and facing the consequences like a woman, you run off like a coward. I can promise not to kill you, but I won't forgive you."

"I apologized" I stutter. "I-"

"Sorry doesn't fix what you did" she shoots back. Pressing my lips to a thin line, I look back to the ground. "Don't you think we have our own problems to deal with? Some of us have our own family issues, and they won't stop just because the Avatar's Lapdog is having an emotional crisis or whatever you did all this time."

She pauses as shouting fills the air. "Speaking of which, I have somewhere to be. Brushing past me, she walks down the hall, but I quickly begin to follow her.


Mika's Point Of View

"Master Mika" Po called from the door. "The rest of my siblings would like to talk about Dakota's return, and they want you present."

"Of course" I sigh, entering the temple.

Once in the dinning room, I look around at Zuko and Saki's children. Jasmine sat protectively next to Leinani, who gazed blankly at her soup. The twins, Klei and Po sat across from me, deep in thought.

The tension in the room was so thick, I could cut it with a knife.

Letting out a breath, I begin. "I know how you all feel about my Granddaughter. I'm not defending her  nor her actions, since I myself have faced bloodbending on more than one occasion." I shiver at the distant memory of Hama and Yakone's wrath.

"Pardon my bluntness, but it sure sounds like you are" Jasmine growls. She always did have her father's temper.

"What do you suppose we do? Lock her up because she was given a trait, and no one even tried to teach her to use it?" I sneer, my wrinkled fist clenching. "If I remember correctly, you burned down more than half of the palace, and needed to be chi blocked because you couldn't control yourself."

Jasmine looks down, biting her tongue.

"Jasmine" a voice snarls. "I just finished scolding your father on our way here. I don't want to do this again."

Turning, a smile forms on my face at the sight of an old friend. "Of course, my apologies" Jasmine sighs.

Turning, I send a small smile to my friends, despite the ever growing tension. "Saki. Zuko. What a lovely surprise."

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