23- Birthdays (For Lack of Whale.)

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Hey guys!! I know I haven't updated in forever, but I think for now I am going to try to update this book more!! Wanted to say a happy birthday to my Best Friend, Noel. (TheRegularRavenclaw)

Dear Whale,

Thanks for being such an amazing friend that I can't always count on. I'm super excited for a new school year with you, and everyone else! ❤

Have the happiest 13th birthday ever, and know I will always be here for you!

The Lifeing Frog has granted you a lucky day today, so make sure you make the most of it!

Now for the real life lesson.......

-Fleefy and Lucy

Hello fellow Doodlebugs! Today I will be telling you how to make the happiest birthday ever!

Step one: Make sure it's someone's birthday. If not, then pretend it's someone's birthday, like your cousin's frog's neighbors pet octopus's birthday.

Step two: Make sure to have lots of glitter and tacos!! And rainbows... And unicorns, and narwhals, and llamas... And bows, cake, donuts, and happiness!

Step three: Get a gift! If your having trouble, see one of my other chapters on the best gift! But, for a quick explanation, a taco is always a good present. For anyone!

Step four: Set off all the party poppers and make sure to have a blast with your friends and family! Balloons make everything feel more special, along with streamers and decorations.

Step five: Have the happiest birthday ever. Because that's most important.

Hey guys!! What did you think? Were these good tips for the perfect party? I know Fleefy definitely thinks so! Once more I must say,

Happy Birthday to Whale,
Happy Birthday to Whale!
Happy birthday from Fleefy,
Happy Birthday tooooooooooo...........


I love you all! ❤

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