17- School Part 2

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Well, my good friend PaintPallet854 told me this mind blowing thing about school. It is completely true though. So, I asked if Fleefy could put it in the book and he said yes. So, I'll had it to your favorite Doodlebug now!

This life lesson is about school, again. All of my Doodlebugs could learn from this statement. This, right here, is why I never study. (And also cuz im to famous to need school) Annnnnnnyway, here it is:

Ah, School. The Epitome of suffering.There are many things to know in life. Like this:Student + Dying = Studying

Isn't this statement, the most true thing ever though? Shout out to PaintPallet854 and thank you for this deep insight on life.

Hey guys! What did you think? When I first read it I was like, SAME THOUGH!!!!!!!!!! I mean.... what else is more true than this? Anyyyyyyyyywayyyyy, don't forget to do the three magic things, Vote, Comment, and Follow! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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