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Gabbie was the first person the unbuckle her seat belt and drop to the floor. She crawled back onto her feet and ran to the cockpit. She knelt down and checked the pilot's pulse. "He's dead!" She called to the other passengers. 

Ricky came running after her, "We need to make a plan! We could stay in here, it's good shelter."

Lilly, Shane, and Dodie all dropped down as well. The people who had already gotten down ran around all the seats and made sure everyone was okay. Then they helped everybody down from their chairs. 

Carly made sure to stay near Jon at all times. She felt safe around him, like he'd protect her. She also felt childish for falling for him so quickly. But then she looked at his smile, and forgot about all of her doubts.

"Guys! Does anyone have their phone?" Gabbie asked.

Carly nodded, "Uh, yeah." She passed the phone to Gabbie. 

Gabbie dialed 911, but the phone kept cutting out. She tried a ton of other times, but by the time the call actually went through, the phone had died. Everyone else started pulling out their phones and calling themselves, but they didn't have any luck with it. So Thomas Sanders proposed that the group search for water nearby. 

Everyone was panicking, even though some tried their best to stay calm, you could just see it in their eyes. Jon grabbed Carly's hand and squeezed it, letting her know that everything was going to be okay. Carly looked at him as a single tear dripped down her face.

"It's okay, somebody will come looking for us." Jon whispered to her.

"What if they don't?" She whispered back.

"They will." He smiled and wiped the tear from Carly's cheek.

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