Airport Customer Service is THE WORST

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It was 5 am and Carly was not in the best mood, but she knew that she had to go to the airport. She always got so frustrated with the workers and how they handled situations. But even though she was not excited for the trip, she picked up her bags and walked to her car anyways.

As she loaded the luggage into the trunk, she got a text from her dad telling her to have a safe flight. She did not reply, but instead, closed the trunk and got inside the car to begin driving.

By the time she got to the airport, it was 10 minutes before the plane was said to take off. Carly went as fast as she could to get her bags checked in and her on that plane. It was a very stressful task, but she got it done just in time for her to be told that the flight was delayed due to technical difficulties. She was furious, but she tried her best to stay calm. She decided that it would be best to just sit down, listen to some calming music, and wait it out.

After about 30 minutes of sitting there, she walked up to one of the workers and asked them what was going on, "Hey, excuse me? When is flight 34 supposed to board?"

"It boarded about 15 minutes ago, m'am." The woman said.

"What?! I was literally sitting in THAT chair waiting for the stupid flight to be called! I heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the flight boarding! Shouldn't it have been told over the intercom?! Seriously!" Carly rolled her eyes as her ears practically fumed.

The woman is in shock as she scrambled to get her words out, "Sorry for the inconvenience, we will try to transfer you onto another flight headed to Chicago." She started typing on her computer with a scared look in her eyes.

"Thank you." Carly smiled and sat down on the chair next to the customer service kiosk.

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