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I woke up and ran to the bathroom to throw up I took out a pregnancy test and it said that I was pregnant I froze howniam I suppose to tell Chres I'am pregnant I'am over thinking he will love it

Kayla: chres

Chres: what Kayla?

Kayla; I'am pregnant

Chres: OMG yes it worked

Kayla: what?

Chres: I did that on purpose last night

Kayla: well I'am glad you happy baby

Well I got up took a shower thrower up again and brushed my teeth a put on

Well I got up took a shower thrower up again and brushed my teeth a put on

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^CHRES'S OUTFIT^Me and Chres was on our way to Leah and Lucas house to tell them I'am pregnant we just arrived at their at their house and Chres knocked

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Me and Chres was on our way to Leah and Lucas house to tell them I'am pregnant we just arrived at their at their house and Chres knocked

Leah: O hey Kayla hey Chres

Kayla: hey girl I'am pregnant

Leah: Omg I'am so happy for you congratulations Chres

Chres: thx

Kayla: thx boo

We was sitting and chilling and Leah and Chres were arguing

Leah: shut Chres girls can play video games period

Chres: whatever Leah

Leah: Chresanto I can't

Chres; never call me my full name

Leah: what you gonna do?

Chres: Stop it leah

Leah: no *chucks*

Chres: yeah just shut up

Kayla: shut both of you you have been fussing for 30 minutes Godamn

Chres: tell her stop

Kayla: if you say sum you a getting nun for 3 weeks


Leah: ha

Lucas: stop Leah plz

Leah: or what

Lucas: you ain't getting head tonight


Kayla: thx Lucas

Lucas: np sis

Leah: I'am hungry

Kayla: what do you want

Leah: Lucas

Lucas: o word

Leah: jk i want so pizza

Lucas: so omg

Chres: I just ordered the pizza

Leah: thx

Kayla: I want some ketchup and Almond mixed

Chres: you hate Almonds

Kayla: I'am pregnant

Chres: Bae not these crazy pregnant cravings hell no

Kayla: plz Bae

Chres: wait mf

Kayla: ok dang

Leah: here sis

Kayla: you better that the baby daddy

Chres: stop it Kayla that is enough

Kayla: is tired

Leah: nap time

Kayla: I will be in my old room

Leah: k


I was sitting in the living room with the boys on my phone while that play 2k17 I can't believe my bestie/ Sister/R.O.D is pregnant we ate the pizza and of course we saved Kayla fat ass some sike naw I check my phone and it said 12:30.

Leah: night baby night brother

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