What would our wedding be like? Would we actually be living in Los Angeles? Would I have a music career? Would we have children? And would we even be happy? Would we have lasted?

I'm sure we would've because there's no way I would have let that girl out of my sight, I'd never leave her or do anything to hurt her.

I sigh heavily to myself and rake a shaky hand through my hair, trying to block out the bad memories of Jasmine - especially the one where I walked in on her step-brother raping her in our own home.

The memory makes me feel sick and I grit my teeth, attempting to push away the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I turn to look at Lamar, eager to remember the happier times with Jasmine. "Do you remember the time me, you and Jasmine skipped classes and snuck out of school?" I ask, a smile on my face.

Lamar chuckles, watching the road as he continues to drive. "When she twisted her ankle?" he asks. "Yeah, I remember that. We had to practically carry her, since that teacher was running after us."

I laugh, remembering how me and Lamar were struggling running and carrying her. "I miss her," I say quietly now.

"Me too," Lamar adds. "That girl went through a lot of shit. She didn't deserve to go the way she did."

"Do you think she done it on purpose?" I ask, feeling a lump form in my throat at the thought of her dead body laying across the bed.

Lamar stops at another red light. He turns to look at me thoughtfully. "No, I don't think she did," he tells me, shaking his head. "It was an accident, I'm sure of it. She did say yes to your proposal after all."

I chew my lip. "I guess," I say, turning to look out the window.

A frustrated feeling grows inside me because I'll never be able to understand why Jasmine had to take those pills and why she had to take so many.

Lamar pulls up outside my apartment now and I dap him before getting out the car.

I stop in my tracks when I see the familiar figures outside the apartment and I quickly speed walk over to the three of them.

"I told you to stop involving me in your shit!" Taylor is shouting.

"Hey!" I shout at Hawk and Hyghly, stepping in front of Taylor. "Leave her alone!"

"Where the fuck is our money?" Hyghly sneers.

"I'm getting it!" I shout. "Just give me a couple of weeks and I'll have it!"

Hawk breathes heavily, nostrils flaring. "If you don't have our money by next week, you'll be sorry!" he spits. He looks at Taylor and smirks.

I feel myself tensing up, wondering if they'll do something to her.

I watch as Hawk and Hyghly walk away and turn to look at Taylor. "You okay?" I say, touching her arm.

She nods. "Yeah," she says, smiling slightly. "So are you going to get their money by next week?"

"Hopefully," I answer, not looking her in the eye.

"Abel!" Taylor sighs. "Do you want me to help you? I can take out a loan or something?"

I shake my head furiously. "No!" I exclaim. "I have the money, but I'm just trying to get money from the drugs first."

Taylor chews her lip. She opens her mouth to say something but thinks better of it. She clears her throat. "I'm going away next week," she tells me.

I nod, remembering how she was talking to her Mum about going to Seattle for her winter break. "It's probably best you get away from everything," I tell her.

Taylor squints, biting down at her lip. "Best I get away from Hawk and Hyghly, you mean," she corrects and I nod slowly. She tucks her hair behind her ear as it blows against her face in the wind. "Are you going to be okay?"

I chuckle. "I'll be fine, Taylor," I tell her and she nods.

She steps towards me and wraps her arms around me, burying her head into my chest.

I wrap my arms around her and stroke her hair, breathing in her familiar scent.

We stay in the same position for a long time until we pull away from each other.

"Have fun in Seattle," I tell her, just in case I don't see her for the next week.

Taylor nods. "Thanks," she says. She smiles at me before walking off down the street.

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