He still did not understand how they ended up in bed together. One minute they were in a physical confrontation, and the next minute they were practically tearing each other's clothes off. It was as if they were possessed by some uncontrolled need. They could not get enough of each other last night.

Lucas stared into Nyssa's eyes, and for the first time since he came back from Russia, he felt contented. It was also the first time in eight years that he slept through the night and did not wake up in a panic.

Each night, Lucas would be visited by a different interrogator and put through unspeakable torture. They all wanted to know the same thing. Tell me about Sugar Horse.

He would sit bolt upright in the bed drenched in sweat. The room felt like it was closing in on him. He could not breathe. He had to get outside, run as far as he could until he was so exhausted he could barely turn around and make it home. It usually happened in the very early morning hours, three hours before dawn.

As he lightly brushed his fingers across her bruise, he felt her flinch slightly from the pain. He sucked in his breath as he pulled back slightly. It was a knee-jerk reaction when he threw that punch. He blocked her kick to the groin, and without thinking, he connected his fist with her jaw.

When he was a boy, he was taught never to hit girls. When he entered the service, he was taught to defend himself in any way necessary. That meant if he needed to strike a woman, he would.

The two days after he came back from Russia he got into a physical fight with a terrorist operative, code name Tranquility. She was ready to take him down, even kill him. There was no room for chivalry when everyone's lives were at risk, including his own.

Nyssa was not looking to kill him. She just wanted to knock him down a few pegs all to prove a silly point. She was a tomboy and was used to fighting, to holding her own with the boys. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it. It excited her getting physical with Lucas like that. Nothing was more of a turn on to her than having a man beat her in a physical fight.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you," he whispered showing true remorse on his face.

"I actually deserved it." She smiled. "I've had worse, Lucas. I'm just glad you didn't break my jaw."

He reached toward her and gently kissed the bruise. He pulled back to look in her eyes again before positioning himself over her. He kissed her on the lips, lightly at first then the kisses deepened. Their hands explored each other's bodies again. His lips touched the bruise on her jaw then traveled down the column of her neck to renew the teeth marks he made where her shoulder met her neck. Nyssa closed her eyes and tilted her head back to expose more of her neck to his actions.

They made love more slowly than last night, taking the time to explore each other and learn what pleasures them the most. Another hour had past with Nyssa resting her head on Lucas' chest and Lucas staring upward toward the ceiling. His fingers lightly caressed her upper arm causing goose bumps to form.

Lucas listened as Nyssa's breathing changed. It became more deep and steady, and he could tell that she fell asleep once again. The sun had peaked over the horizon and was covering the city in a bright orange light. It peaked through the windows from the back balcony and began flooding the apartment. He turned his head and watched as the light crept through the room. Suddenly, his mobile rang somewhere on the floor. He tried not to disturb Nyssa as he untangled his arms and legs from hers and repositioned her in the bed.

He got out of the bed and reached for his jacket lying in a heap on the floor. He pulled his mobile from the pocket. It was Harry.

Lucas walked into the bathroom. He took one last glance at Nyssa to see if she was still asleep before he closed the door for privacy.

The Blacklist (sequel to The Reluctant Spy)Where stories live. Discover now