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Amelie had just finished packing her stuff ready to return back to her home, the New York institute, she had so many things to tell her brother and her parabatai Izzy, she hadn't seen them for two years, she hadn't seen him.

Only a few days before her departure to begin her mission Amelie had a huge argument with her ex best friend Alec, he saw it as betrayal whereas she saw it as protection, either way he hated her but so be it, she hated him, but the thing she hated the most the thing which made her blood boil to tipping point, was that she hated herself, hated herself for loving him, though she would never let it show, never.

She brushed her long brunette locks and threw on her leather jacket as she headed for a cab to take her to the airport.

She was currently in Milan on her mission she loved the city its atmosphere captivated her and the people intrigued her, even if she didn't 100% understand what they were saying at times.

She took a deep breath and left her hotel room hugging the old receptionist, Mr. Knightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek as she did so, she'd been in Milan for a month and grown quite fond of the old man "don't forget about me knightly" nudging him in the shoulder and smiling as she left the lobby and stepped foot outside.

She finally flagged down a cab and hopped inside as it drove her to the airport.

So many questions were whizzing around her head, "what have they been up to?" "Is Izzy still enthralled with that stupid seelie Meloirn?" "How did they look?" This thought was the most prominent in her mind because after all she hadn't seen them since she was 16"did he still hate her?" As soon as she thought this she tried to push it as far back in her mind as she could but it wouldn't budge.

Before she knew it she was at the airport she practically flew out the cab thanking the driver as she did.

Her flight was boring nothing to write home about just crying babies, annoying toddlers, uncomfortable seats, and that same little devil child constantly kicking her seat.

She finally landed in New York, hopping into another cab which drove her to an abandoned church, as far as any mundane was concerned, but all Amelie could see was a magnificent sight of grandeur the tall building practically glowing like the worlds finest gold in the dull nighttime of the city that never sleeps.

The driver looked at her as if she was ludicrous "um you sure this is your destination, it looks a little-" Amelie rolled her eyes 'oblivious mundanes' she thought as she interrupted "strange, a little like a drug hideout perhaps?" A smirk grew upon her face as the driver just sat in silence absolutely dumbfounded by what the stunning brunette had just stated, she thanked the driver and laughed as she got out the cab.

The cab drove off as she just stood there taking in the Institutes beauty, her homes beauty, she was only there for a second or two not wasting anymore time as she ran up the steps and opened the huge double doors a smile tugging at her lips.


"50 bucks he doesn't approve of the mission"

"I don't approve of this mission"

These were the first words Amelie heard, and she knew exactly who was speaking, her gorgeous parabatai and him, urgh.

"Well well well would you look at this motley crew" Amelie spoke as she turned the corner revealing herself to everyone a huge smirk on her lips.

Everyone flew around faster than you could say Angel.

Before she could even process she was thrown up in the air via a huge embrace from her older brother Jace "Amelie you, you...you aren't supposed to be back for at least another year" he was shocked, Amelie smirked "oh wow big bro not a woah Amelie I've missed you or a Amelie I'm so glad your okay but nah your basically boarding me on the next plane to continue the mission" she mimicked her brothers voice as she said the two statements of what she would've liked to have heard as he nudged her "I'm sorry I'm just, woah your back and you've changed a hell of a lot" he smiled whilst scanning her she rolled her eyes "Your just jealous, after all I've always been the better looking one" he rolled his eyes.

The redhead was watching this reunion and she wasn't happy, she wanted Jace and she wasn't going to let this random girl waltz in and snatch him away.

Izzy shoved Jace out of the way and embraced Amelie "Girl you are absolutely stunning, even more than you were before" she smiled scanning her just as Jace did, she always had beauty but nobody was expecting Amelie to grow this stunning in just two short years "Izzy I've missed you, my bombshell" the two laughed.

He just stared watched all of the reunions, he didn't want to let it show but he missed her and he was struck by her beauty but he vowed to himself that he would never forgive.

Amelie glanced over at him with a sarcastic look "well I'm not surprised grumpy cat Lightwood over here, is still well.... grumpy" gesturing towards Alec who just rolled his eyes and shot her a murderous look that's when her eyes caught onto the geeky mundane who looked as though he was under a spell never moving his eyes away from her and next to him was the redhead she looked almost as pissed as Alec.

"So hot" the geeky mundane finally spoke almost drooling over Amelie, her piercing blue eyes lit up as she walked towards the mundane with a smirk "awe cute" she examined him as he blushed finally realising what he'd stated out loud, the redhead butted in noticing the interaction between her best friend and this random girl who was getting all the attention "and you are?" Amelie was shocked that the redhead had the nerve and so was everyone else "relevant, something you wouldn't know strawberry shortcake" she scanned her as her brother shot her a dirty look whilst Izzy snickered and Alec smirked which didn't go unnoticed by Amelie.

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