Chapter 12: Stressed to Desserts !

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Chiisana was having a hard day today. First of all,her twins are fighting each other. Second,she didn't had enough sleep cause of homeworks. And third,the twins are messing with her.

"God darn it,Watanabe twins ! What the hell happened here ? It's so messy around !!!" She yelled. Akeno huffed,looking at her.

"Blame him,he's trashing around." Akeno grumbled. "I won't trash around if you just stop annoying me." Ameno glared.

"Shut up you cold dork ! I'm not annoying you !" Akeno glared back. "You are !" Ameno yelled.

"Am not !"

"Are to !"

"Am not !"

"You are !"

"Hell no !"

"You did it 8 times !"

"No !"

Chiisana glared at the two,clenching her fists. She hated the yells. And the mess. All of them are getting into her nerves… She's getting stressed by it.


She yelled at the top of he's lungs. The two froze,slowly looking at her. They looked startled.

"Clean this mess ! RIGHT NOW !" She added. The two quickly nodded,starting to clean. Chiisana scoffed annoyingly,slamming the door in her room.

"Is she having her period ?" Akeno blinked,picking up the papers and stuff.

"What period ?" Ameno asked,picking up the pillows.

"You know… Monthly periods ?" Akeno asked. "Maybe—"

"I HEARD THAT ! I'M NOT HAVING MY PERIOD SO SHUT THE HELL UP AND CLEAN THE MESS !" The two froze,hearing the loud yell of their meister. They sighed then continued cleaning the mess.

~At school~

"Hey Chiisana… You look stressed out. What happened ?" Tsubaki blinked. Chiisana was with the girls.

"Twins… They're stressing me out…" Chiisana sighed. Patti laughed,holding her girraffe stuff toy. "Don't worry about them !" She smiled.

"Well,Soul stresses me out sometimes… But not too much like yours." Maka blinked. "Well… Handling twins is a hard task." Chiisana laughed.

"Come over to my house ! I'll make you some desserts !" Tsubaki giggled. "Huh ? Why ?" Chiisana asked.

"Cause if you spell 'stressed' backwards,it says 'desserts'. So after eating some shortcakes or ice creams,you'll feel better." She smiled.

Liz smiled,looking at her. "Wow ! Where did you get that ?" She blinked. "Well… I just figured it out…" Tsubaki smiled.

"Aww ! Why only her ? I love ice creams !" Patti frowned. "Well,can we come over also ?" Maka asked. Tsubaki giggled. "Sure !"

[Meanwhile with the boys…]

"Hey,what happened to Chiisana ? She seemed stressed." Kid asked.

"Psh. Ameno's fault." Akeno grumbled. "Our fault." Ameno sighed.

"Well,knowing Tsubaki,she'll invite her in our house. Apartment,to be specific." Blackstar grinned. "She'll have a chance to see her god's home !" He added.

"Well,she'll be more stressed if you stay there with the girls. Cause I'm sure she'll also invite them. Tsubaki's a kind girl." Soul said.

"In that case,why don't you just come over Death Manor ? We can hang out there." Kid smiled. "Nice idea." Soul grinned.

"Your god approves !" Blackstar chuckled. "Psh… Fine." Akeno sighed. Ameno just shrugged.

[Timeskip,At Tsubaki's house]

"Tsubaki-san !" Chiisana smiled,knocking on Tsubaki's door. The door opened,revealing Tsubaki in a normal T-shirt and sleeping pants. "Hey Chiisana ! Come in."

She nodded then walked in,looking around. "Sorry if it's small. Blackstar and I can't handle large apartments." Tsubaki sighed. "It's fine. In fact,our apartment's also this big. With three rooms." Chiisana smiled.

"Cool…" Tsubaki nodded. "Hey Chii !" Maka smiled. "Hey Maka." Chiisana smiled. "Woohoo !! Hey Chii-san,taste this ! Tsubaki's baking is good !" Patti giggled,giving her a slice of a shortcake. "Oh uhm… Sure." Chiisana smiled,taking the plate.

"So.. How's your twins ?" Liz asked. "They're in Kid's place." Chiisana sighed. "Ooohhh… Well,Kid and Blackstar will make Soul and the other twins' heads explode cause those two are one hell of idiots." Liz laughed.

"It's their turn to get stressed now." Chiisana laughed,taking a bite from the shortcake. "Wow,Tsubaki-san,this tastes good !" Chiisana giggled. "Thank you." Tsubaki smiled.


"STOP RUINING THE SYMMETRY YOU SPIKEY HEADED IDIOT !" Kid yelled,chasing Blackstar. Soul sighed,looking back at the twins. "Those two are such pains in the ass…" Soul grumbled.

"You don't say." Akeno scratched his head,watching the two run around.

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