Getting America back

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On paper easy. In practice, not so much.


Tony stood and watched on the roof as the large military-looking helicopter landed. He stepped forwards and started walking towards it as a rather short male with long dark brown hair stepped out. Unlike usual Yao kept his hair down and put on a hat that would partially cover his eyes. The clothes he wore were fancy and looked expensive, what Tony didn't know was that they were comfortable and good for fighting in. Then out stepped another short male, also wearing expensive looking clothes, however they were a lot less fancy then the Chinese mans and looked more like a uniform, he even had a katana strapped to him and Tony was about to assume he was the bodyguard because of that, until Ivan stepped out with a dark uniform on and an earpiece. He towered over both the males, to be honest Tony thought he probably would of also towered Thor who was the tallest out of the Avengers.

Even though the bodyguard let off a very scary aura Tony still wasn't hesitant to approach his guests and even strike up a conversation when leading them to the meeting room. Though Yao answered his questions very bluntly and his brother was still to say a word.

"Not very talkative are you guys?"

"This is a business meeting Mr.Stark, I don't have time to waste by being immature" Yao replied coldly, lightly lifting his head so that Tony could finally see his face from under that hat, and god was he surprised at how young he looked, maybe not as young as the kid but he definitely wouldn't shoot above 25. Terribly young to be as powerful as he was told he was.

Yao took the chance when Tony was concentrated on examining his face to subtly attach the chip to a computer as they walked past it, he made sure to put it in a rather unnoticeable place. Ivan even took courtesy of standing in such a place as to block the view of anyone behind them.

Once in the meeting room Yao and Tony started talking business. After about 20 minutes Ivan received a message through his earpiece that the detecting mechanisms have been successfully disabled and made the pre-established gesture of pulling his scarf up his face to signal to Kiku that it's safe to go. He politely excused himself, which was actually the only time Tony heard him speak, and left the room.

"Are you sure you need that sword with you?" Tony raised a brow.

Kiku stopped just before leaving through the door and calmly replied "Unrike my brother I don't have a bodyguard, I rather keep this with me if that is ok with you."

He raised a brow at him but otherwise dismissed it. He wouldn't have been the first person to walk around with a weapon in Stark tower, and in any case he had enough faith in his security systems that he didn't really need to worry. "Whatever."

Kiku nodded and left the room, when he was sure the door was shut and he was far away from other people he pulled out a earpiece from his pocket and put it on.

"Feri? Fericiano do you hear me?" He made sure to use human names just in case someone was listening.

"Loud and-a clear" came the reply from the bubbly Italian.

"Is there any prace you would suggest me searching first?" He asked as he made his way to the staircase, there would be less people using the stairs if any at all considering the size of the building.

"Hmm me and fratello looked at-a all the cameras and non of the rooms look to-a suspicious to-a me" there was a short silence before Lovino's voice came through.

"I took a look at the blueprints, there are rooms in the building that don't have-a camera's, I would suggest going to the very-a bottom basement layer"

"Oh yeah, that-a does look a little bit like a prison room-"

"Shut up-a idiota and concen-"

Japan cut them off before their arguing could blow out his ear drums and started to hastily almost sprint down the stairs, he wasn't even gonna question how they got a hold of the blueprints. The building was tall and a normal person would get tired by the first few floors, but being a nation he had a lot more stamina even if he was a little older, this wasn't even a workout for him and he ran down the stairs without breaking a sweat.

Luckily the meeting room was low to the ground anyway, but that might prove a problem when having to get back up with America, especially if a alarm went off. He would just have to try and avoid that scenario. When he made it to the basement layer everything suddenly became eerily silent and he found himself in a corridor full of locked mechanical doors.

"Alright-a Kiku we lost sight of you, if you are in a corridor full of doors go-a to the last one, it looked the most-a suspicious to me" Italy may be a very carefree nation but at times like these he was very capable of proving himself useful. Especially if put in positions behind the scenes.

Japan answered with a blunt ok and went over to the door. Surprisingly it was unlocked, someone must have forgot to lock it. He walked into a room with a few different types of cells, he made sure not to make any noise. At the end of the room he saw America behind bars but in front of him there was a man in a blue uniform talking to him. Kiku quickly hid behind a corner and when he looked round it he made brief eye contact with Alfred who then broke it and continued to talk to the man as if he saw nothing.

Things may have just complicated themselves.

Non-existent (hetalia x avengers crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora