Think About Me.

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Luke pushed his glass of Hennessey away from him, finding that the strong liquid courage did nothing for him. He sat on the floor of his bedroom, surrounded by pictures of the two of you. He was torn. He barely blinked an eye as he watched the brown liquor splash and then fall, all over his white carpet. He didn't care. The usually bright lights of the bedroom were dark, the shades were drawn and the lights were cut off. The only source of light came from your favorite vanilla candles he lit, not being able to help himself. He missed you. Desperately. The two of you had been best friends since childhood, and started dating after college. It's been a good life, until recently. With the newfound fame, you weren't able to handle your man being swooned over by millions of girls. Women were always attracted to Luke beforehand, because of his beautiful singing voice. But now, it was a worldwide lust for a man who was supposed to be just YOURS. Your jealousy overcame you, and you began to pick small fights.


" I just don't see why you have to be shirtless for yet another photo shoot, " you shrugged, picking at your food. "Why can't there ever be photo shoots with your clothes on?"

Luke shot an aggravated glance your way. It was your third time today complaining about shit like this and he was annoyed.

"I think it's a little late to complain about my chest being out, Y/N." He replied bluntly, spraying cologne on himself in the spacious dressing room. "You know I belong to you. Stop worrying."

"Me and a couple million other females right?" You snapped.

Luke groaned loudly, adding fuel to your fire.

"You pushed me, helped me get here to make my dreams come true, and now you're complaining about them. Babe make up your mind. I'm out there, I'm successful, and I love my fans. So please, get over it. " He said to you, pecking your lips before walking out.


Your stuff was gone when he came back from the photo shoot. You left him there in a jealous rage. He didn't understand. He would think you would be more supportive of his dreams. Of the fact that your man was becoming a big name, in music and movies. He wanted you to be proud. But you only seemed to hate it. Luke stood up, stepping on the pictures of you two as he walked to his garage. He pulled out the ring he was going to place on your finger June 18th, your wedding night. His heart was torn. And you were filled with confusion.

You sat on your couch, holding your phone in your hands, wanting badly to apologize to him for your behavior. You just didn't know how to feel about sharing him with the world. You wanted that beautiful voice and talent to yourself. You wanted that voice to sing those songs to only you. They felt special then. You were beyond proud of him, just didn't know how to show it.

"Y/N, please don't sit here and sulk. Call him." Your best friend Joy sat beside you, holding her 1 year old son Jaeden. Luke was willing to give you all the kids you wanted.

"I can't, Joy. I think I really messed up this time. I think it's over. " You sniffled before breaking out into sobs.


"Lukeee!" Keith's 3 year old daughter Keila yelled, running to him. It had been 2 months since the breakup. You haven't answered any of Luke's calls or texts. He stopped calling to give you space, but the occasional text let you know he was still waiting. But you wanted him to be happy with someone who appreciated him. Luke picked Keila up, squeezing her. Everybody loved them some Luke.

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