Univited Guest

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"Im looking forward to tonight Em".. "me to Ali its going to be good just me and you"..

At the gar bar...

we go inside and go straight to the bar ordering drinks for us, then go and sit down i put my arm around Ali and kiss her lips as we enjoy our drink.. "im planning on getting so drunk tonight Em".."well we can lay in bed tomorrow with a hangover so it's fine".."exactly my best hangover cure is sex though Em".. she says smiling at me.. "oh really well we best have loads of sex then tomorrow".. i laugh.. we go and buy another drink then go to the dancefloor grinding up against each other dancing to the music, cuddling and kissing each other as we dance.. "oh my god! Love this song Ali".."me to".. she says as we dance to it, we go and buy some shots from the bar .."okay ready Em 1, 2, 3, down it".. "fuck that's so strong Ali, ready for the next one".. i say as we down another.. "fuck that's gone straight to my head".. she says laughing as we makeout near the bar as we pull away i notice Cece walk in.. "you've got to be joking"... "What Ali".. "well look who's just fucking walked in Em".. she says as i turn around and see Cece walking towards us..

Cece.. "fancy seeing you here"..
Emily.. "why are you here Cece?" And with Scott"..
Cece.. "what are you jealous Em"..
Emily.. "no i meant Scott is straight"..
Cece.. "so he's helping me pull a girl"..
Ali.. "bit of a coincidence your here isn't it at the same time as us?"..
Cece.. "is someone talking Scott"..
Ali.. "your such a child Cece"..
Cece.. "we better tell everyone to lock up there girlfriends around you Ali"..
Ali.. "piss off Cece! Im happy with Em"..
Cece.. "so was i till you got in the fucking way"..
Emily.. "Cece just leave us to enjoy our night, we wasn't happy me and you"..
Cece.. "we was towards the end"..
Emily.. "yeah once you changed because you saw Ali as a threat"..
Cece... "Ali a threat" she says laughing.. "oh please as if!"..
Emily.. "Cece how did you know we was here anyway?"..
Cece.. "i didn't i wanted to come here tonight"..
Ali.. "Scott knew we were coming he probarbly told her"..
Scott.. "i said nothing".. he says laughing..
Cece... "yeah don't blame my friends bitch"..
Ali.. "come on Em lets go and dance again".. i say as we walk over to dancefloor...

After one hour of drinking more alcohol and dancing together, we sit down again and look at each other smiling before passionately kissing each other, Cece see's and storms over.

Cece.. "you have no respect Em at all first you get Ali to tell me your a couple now you kiss her infront of me"..
Ali.. "Cece listen i told you by accident Emily was annoyed i told you she wanted to tell you so don't blame her"..
Cece.. "fuck off Ali all you ever do is get involved"..
Emily.. "why are you even out Cece at a gay bar"..
Cece.. "you will see".. she storms off..

"She's really pissing me off Em".. "just don't kick off just leave her to it".. "its just so hard when she annoys me so nuch"... we go outside for some fresh air for 15 minutes talking outside, when we come back in i go to the bar getting more drinks, Ali goes to the toilet, as im ordering i see Cece with a girl clearly trying to make me jealous its funny watching because i don't actually care...

"You okay Em"... "fine Cece thanks".. i laugh to myself.. "oh this is, what's your name again" she says to the girl.. "oh my god! You dont even remember her name".. "stop being a jealous ex Em".. "im far from jealous the opposite actually relieved" ..we continue arguing the girl Cece's with says....

"Come find me when you sort it with your ex".. the girl says walking off, as Ali comes back...

Ali.. "whats happened?"
Cece.. "oh just Em ruining my chances with that girl"..
Emily.. "erm no i didn't"..
Cece.. "you did you came over asking who the girl was"...
Ali.. "really Em"...
Emily.. "no i didn't i came over to get a drink and you spoke to me"..
Ali.. "was you jealous she was with a girl"..
Emily.. "no i dont care i have you, your everything i want Ali"..
Cece.. "funny how that girl stormed off she thought there was something between us still"...
Emily... "get out of your fantasy Cece, you can get with who you want i dont care"..
Ali.. "lets drink this drink and go home Em".. she says sounding annoyed..

We finish off our drinks, the atmosphere as gone really awkward between us both, as we finish our drink we go outside and flag down a taxi..

Cece.. "leaving so soon"..
Ali.. "were outside now so i can do this".. she slaps Cece across the face.. "STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND"..
Emily.. "just stop it now!"..i say sounding upset..
Cece.. "I'll be the bigger person and not hit you back"..
Ali.. "only because Emily is here overwise you would like yesterday in school"..
Emily.. "taxi's here come on Ali leave it".. they both get in the back of the taxi..

At home the atmosphere is still awkward as they get ready for bed, as Ali is taking off her make-up, Em says..

"Ali whats up?".. "it dont matter".. "it does tell me?".. "do you still have feelings for Cece?".. "no i dont i dont care what she does now".. "but was you jealous over the girl she was with".. "no i wasn't at all, it was funny actually her trying to make me jealous but i didnt care, all i was thinking about is you".. i say as i kiss her lips softly.. "well she can go to hell if she thinks she getting you back, ill never let it happen".. she says with attitude.. "oh i like that cocky attitude, i want you forever Ali so don't worry".. "me to Em, im so happy i moved here finding love with you has been the best thing ever".. "aww i love you Ali".. "love you to Em".. we kiss lips snogging using tongues.. "lets get some sleep Em we can cuddle up".. "sounds perfect okay Ali".. i smile at her..

Thanks for being patient with me updating this chapter, ive been writing my other story (Emison secret relationship with my physiotherapist) check it out if you havn't already thanks for all the views and votes on this story to i appreciate all your support :)

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