"Well, where would they have run off to?" I asked.

"We can try the various dens around the forest, search the whole forest with the pack's help. With everyone's help, we can find them." Matei said.

I touched the ground, used eolas to find their exact location. I almost cried when I saw them and where exactly they were. "They're on a plane to Sweden." I choked back tears. "What??" Matei was so confused. "We need to get them." "Let's go now." I said. We packed up all our things and bought a plane ticket to Stockholm, Sweden. As soon as we landed, we saw them run by us in full wolf form. I am so disappointed right now and really, really angry. I called Jana. She was yelling through the phone and told me that she was on her way. Jana met us in the forest. 

"They were running wild in the city, Jana." I said.

"They're your kids. Control them. For now, I'll help you get to them and contain them." Jana said.

Selena and Tj soon showed up. We searched the whole forest and finally found them. They had started Sweden's first wolf pack. My eyes had turned, so did Matei's. "Skai, Vallory, get over here now!" I yelled. Their pack growled at us and grabbed us. They put us in a makeshift prison. Selena fought off most of the pack and set us free. We grabbed Skai and Vallory by their collars, and dragged them back to the plane and back home. "You two are gonna pay for that horrible stunt you guys just preformed. Grounded. A whole month." I scolded. "Mum, we were only trying to prove that we could be perfectly good alphas." Skai said. "And go against your whole pack?" Matei asked. "Yes!" Vallory said. We rolled our eyes. We put them on a plane, back home. I hope they had fun being wild for a few hours. Now they don't need to go outside anymore. They will be locked in a basement every full moon while the rest of us are running freely among the other wolfbloods.

Jana actually took the initiative to leave scars on them with her claws. Sometimes abuse is the only answer. Yes, I know that sounds wrong, but it's the only way to get a wolfblood to behave. "Learned your lesson yet?" Jana snapped. They were both whimpering, tears running down their faces. Jana's eyes were glowing and her veins popping. Vallory spits out; "Yes, we're learned our lesson. Now let us go, please." "Thank you. Get your tails out of my den." Jana says, "Go!" I called Jana.

"So?" I asked.

"They've learned as so they say. They're in your hands now." Jana says. Matei was also listening. "Thanks so much Jana." Matei says. 

Our kids showed up at our door, knocking. We grab them by the collar once again. I open the basement door, which has not been opened since we moved in. We throw them in there, not to see them until their month of being grounded is over. "Mum, dad. Why are you still punishing us?" Skai asked. "You almost revealed our secret to a whole another country!" I snapped. "So, you stay down there, isolated. You'll learn your lesson." Matei said. We closed the door and locked the door. Skai rammed the door, scratched it, howled, and barked. "Complain all you want. You're not to be allowed out, only to eat and that's it." I said through the door. He stormed down the stairs. It's too bad they have their phones and there's like three different game consoles there and ten million video games each. They will definitely won't get bored.

A few hours later, I slid their dinner through the door for both of them. They ran up and got it. Then they ran down back down. Matei and I settled down in the master bed room, watching some British and American rom-coms. Right through the middle of the second season, Matei decided to make love to me. I didn't mind. We did the usual. He finished and let me say, it was one of the best, better than the first time. He is in his cutest state when he's smiling and giggling. I asked if I could take a few hot pictures of him. "Work, yes, work it Matei." I said snapping pictures at different angles. When I got tired, I slipped under the covers and up against his back, snuggling him. I fall asleep, kissing his neck. He flipped over a couple times. He kissed my forehead and it caught me off guard. He soon fell asleep himself and we were left in peace.

The next day, I get a call from Jana. "Just calling you to ask how you're doing. Also we've planned to visit Norway as Segolia's monthly trips." She said, "Do you and your cubs wanna come. Yeah, I now they're supposed to be grounded but we can keep them in a secure cell while we roam the forest." Jana said. "Okay. I'll go tell Matei." I said, then hung up. "Pack your bags, we're going to Norway!" I said. "Really?" Matei asked. "Jana just called me, Segolia's pack is going to Norway, so are we going or not because I already promised." I said. "Okay, I'll tell the kids and pack up." Matei said. I gathered a suitcase and put a few days worth of clothes in it. When I finished, Matei and the kids were still packing. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic nature. He quickly stuffed clothes into his suitcase, along with the kids. 

We put all of it into my car and started for the airport. When we arrived, we met up with Segolia and Jana. I greeted Robyn and Imara. We all checked in, got our tickets, and got on the plane. It took off. When we landed, I admired the beauty of the country. We ran to the forest and immediately changed. Two security guards grabbed Skai and Vallory and took them back to that secure cellar I was told about earlier. I ran alongside Robyn, Matei, Selena, and Tj. I loved being in a new county. It was so beautiful. 

We checked into our hotel room the next day and slept. I was especially tired from trying to outrun everyone. We woke up and ate breakfast. When our trip was over, I was kind of sad that I had to leave, but it was the plan. Go to Norway for business, then leave. We got back to Britain, and into the house. I jumped into bed and cuddled with Matei like usual.

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