Chapter 18

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A/N: if the song stops before you are finished with the chapter, just restart it

*two weeks later*
Ali's POV
The whispers of these demons have been haunting me for months. Their evil laughs, their scary voices, the way they growl my name. It terrifies me and it only makes me want to end it even more.

Other than the voices, surprisingly, I am doing great in school. I am on AB Honor Roll along with Beth. She's been helping me focus and when I am able to, she always rewards me with kisses and hugs after we are done. I love her so much.

My birthday is coming up and I am turning 16. I already told my parents that I don't want an extravagant party. I want to keep it simple and small. That way, if I have a breakdown, I won't embarrass myself that bad.

"So, Ali, what do you want for your birthday?" Mum asked as I helped her make dinner, along with Beth. "I don't know." I replied, shrugging.

"Our Ali is a simple person. Have you noticed that almost every year, she doesn't ask for anything? But, when she does, it's almost always some art things or some gaming things. She's not hard to buy for, if you really think about it."

"Yes, thank you for your expertise, Beth." mum said, causing us to laugh.

"Hey, Daddy, when are you supposed to leave?!" I yelled, remembering that he said something about having a client tonight.

"I can leave after dinner, sweetie." he replied, kissing my cheek and walking off. I nodded, mainly to myself. I just hope everything will be okay.

*Ali's Birthday* *3rd person*
Ali sat at her bay window, looking out at the sky. She didn't know what would happen to her today; she just hoped and prayed that she will be fine.

"Baby, what are you doing? People will be coming soon."

Beth's voice made Ali turn around. Ali smiled slightly, happy to see her girlfriend, but still worried about everything.

"I'm just thinking." the brunette replied, shrugging.

The blonde walked over to the other girl and sat next to her. She pulled her onto her lap and Ali wrapped her arms around her girlfriends neck.

"I'm here, I promise I won't let anything bad happen. You are safe here." Beth spoke before kissing Ali.

Ali sighed and looked the girl in her eyes. "My body may be safe, but my mind isn't. These demons are racking my thoughts. I try to block them out, but I never can. It's almost like there is more than one set of demons."

Beth frowned and cocked her head to the side. "There can be more than one set?" she asked, confused as ever.

"I think so. I've been thinking about this. The schizophrenic demons a—"

"Girls, stop making out and come downstairs!"

Perrie's voice cut Ali off. "I'll have to tell you later." Ali mumbled, climbing off of her girlfriends lap. Beth nodded and stood up.

The two walked downstairs and into the living room.

"Happy birthday, sweets." Leigh-Anne greeted the girl, hugging her. Ali smiled and hugged back just as tight.

'Happy Birhday's and hugs were flying around as she was greeted by her family. It was going well for maybe 30 minutes, until she heard the voice.

"Enjoy your birthday, Alison, because this will be the last one."

"We will make your birthday a living hell."

"After today, its lights out."

"We'll make you want to kill yourself."

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