Chapter 17

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*the next day*
Ali's POV
I woke up and stared at my wall. Another day of suffering, here I come.

I don't want to get up. I don't want to face today's challenges. I want to just lye here in bed and do nothing. But, of course, my mother won't allow that. So, I have no choice.

I forced myself out of bed and into my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw.

My hair was everywhere, my eyes darker than how they were yesterday, and it looked like I got thicker. Darn my mothers genes.

I looked at my toothbrush and sighed. What's the point? What's the point of even trying? Walking? Talking?


"Ali. Ali, where are you?"

Hearing my mum's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw that she was looking for me. "In here." I replied, barely audible.

She walked over to me and stood behind me. "Why are you looking sad?" she asked, her arms around my waist.

"I don't see the purpose anymore." I replied, looking down. "For what?"

"Talking...... walking....... breathing."

She sighed and looked at me in the mirror. "Do you want my advice?"

I looked up and nodded. "You can't always block them out and you can't run away from them. But, try to control your actions and try not to let them get to you."

I nodded and she kissed my cheek. "Get ready for school." she simply said before walking out.

I grabbed my toothbrush and began to lazily brush my teeth. I guess Mum is right. I should just keep going, even if it kills me.

After I got myself looking decent, I walked out to my closet. I grabbed a comfortable outfit and put it on along with my shoes.

 I grabbed a comfortable outfit and put it on along with my shoes

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I let my hair hang down and I brushed it out for the second time. I didn't bother with makeup. I just put on strawberry lip balm.

I sighed and grabbed my book bag before throwing it over my shoulders. Hell, here I come.


"Hey, baby." Beth said when I walked out of the house. I smiled slightly and walked over to her.

She hugged my tightly and put her arm around my waist. I did the same and we started walking to school.

The entire walk, I was thinking. Thinking about my future and what it may hold. I'm scared.

We walked into the school and we didn't get as many stares as we usually do. We almost didn't have anyone staring. Is it possible that no one knows what I'm going trough? That they just see me as "Ali" and not "Alison, the freak who hears voices."? I don't know.

"Are you okay? You seem upset." Beth asked, shaking me out of my thoughts. We stopped in front of our lockers and I saw that she was looking at me. She's right. I am upset. I'm also confused, worried, and scared. I don't want to die at this young age, but I feel like it will happen.

"I'm scared of my future. I don't know if I will be able to survive. I want to, I really do, but I just don't know if I can. What if these demons kill me? I don't want something bad to happen. Mum talked to me this morning and she said that I can't run from them and to just try to control my actions."

She nodded as I closed my locker. "You'll be okay. I promise." she said before kissing me briefly. "Let's go to class."

And we did. I was tortured all day by those God forsaken voices and I wanted to harm myself, but I couldn't. I want to stay strong for my mum. For my dad. For Beth. But, most importantly......

For myself.

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