Chapter 15

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*one week later*
Ali's POV

Beth's voice awoke me from my nap and I sat up. "You woke me." I groaned, my voice raspy.

"Awe. I don't care. Are you're so cute and when you talk in that adorable raspy voice. Anyways! Get up!" she said, walking over to me and grabbing my hand.

"Why?!" I asked, groaning and turning over so I was on my stomach and my face was in my pillow. "It's a surprise!! Get up!" she whined, shaking my arm violently.

She let go of my arm as I sat up. She walked over to my drawers and looked back. "No peeking! Go to the bathroom!" she said, her voice a bit higher than usual. She's excited about this.

I walked into my bathroom and closed my door behind me. I splashed cold water on my face before brushing my teeth and combing my hair.

After I was done, I dried my face and walked out of my bathroom. "Okay. What do you need to show me?" I asked.

"Put on some shorts and a crop top! Also, put on your sandals and meet me downstairs." she replied before turning around and walking out with a bag.

I shook it off and did as told. I put on a turquoise crop top with white shorts. I put on my silver sandals before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

"I am taking your daughter! I'll bring her back!" Beth yelled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door.

"Have fun." Mum said, her eyes stilled glued to the pages in her book. She's been reading that book for two days and she's almost done with it.

Beth dragged me out the door and I closed it behind us. "Seriously, Beth, where are you taking me?" I asked as she pulled me down the sidewalk. "It's a surprise!" she replied.

Soon enough, we reached a beach, but no one was here. It's also in the back of the woods.

"Um. Why are we here? Also, why is this beach in the beck of the woods?" I asked, looking around. "This is a private beach I found. It's super pretty and all I could think about was you while I was here alone." she whispered before kissing my ear.

"But, I don't have a—" "Covered." She cut me off and kissed below my ear. She grazed her teeth over my earlobe and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Are you tying to seduce me?" "Maybe." "Why?"  "Because I know you're scary and you might not get in the water."

"Why would I be scared to go in the water?" "You're not?" "No." "Good." She grabbed my hand and ran to the water.

She took off the first layer of her clothes only to revile a blue two piece.

I was always jealous of Beth's body. With her doing sports since she was 2, starting wth cheer, she's very toned for a 15 year old.

Her stomach is flat, her bra size is a 32DD, and she has toned thighs. She's honestly beautiful and here I am!

No abs, a size 21C, and kinda chubby. I mean, I'm in the middle of skinny and fat. I have very low self esteem.

"Here. I won't peek." she said, handing me my white two piece. "Who said I wouldn't mind?" I chuckled, trying to hide my jealousy. I know I shouldn't be jealous of my best fri— well, girlfriend, but I am. Just a little, though.

I took off my clothes and quickly slipped on the bikini. "Beautiful, as always." she said, walking up to me and kissing me. I smiled and pulled back.

"Look at her. Compared to her, you're fat as hell. You should kill yourself."

I tried to ignore the voice, but it's no use. It won't leave alone until I end my life. Or someone does it for me.


I know this chapter wasn't much, but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

This book will be getting some drama soon! You guys just wait.

I love you all so much! Bye!

xX~ Tiffany ❤️

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