Darkness forever at lost

Start from the beginning

"Pez. Crumbled up" she didn't know. As she said it with a matter a fact tone.

Ryan came in the room, looking at Nicole with disgust.

"Whatcha doing with that bitch, shortcake?"he said referring to Nicole.

"She's not a bitch" I said angrily.

"And shes your friend. After everything shes done to you" he chuckled while shaking his head.

He grabbed something from his pocket, but the motion was so fast I couldn't tell what it was.

In a flash, Ryan had a knife sticking inside of Nicole's thigh.

"Learn your place" he gritted through his teeth. As he looked back at me with a smile. Everything came out. I vomited all over the carpet, couch and floors. My stomach ached and spinned in circles.

"Lets go"he said. While grabbing my arm. My mouth smelled like vomit, my mouth was dirty, and my shirt really wet. Filled with my last meals. All because he had to do that. I didn't want to talk, just nothing. I felt empty. Ryan unclocked the Audi and before I could get in, he said to wait.

He tossed me, his shirt he had on which left him with his wife beater. I cringed at the thought and hesitated to put his shirt on but eventually did.
It was extremely big and baggy so it went over my shorts that thank god didn't get dirty and went mid thigh. My breath still stunk but I had to be greatful for what I was offered. Sadly, but Ryan.

Nicole's POV.

I fell to the ground and wrapped my shirt around my thigh and stinging sensation when it meet the cloth.

My eyes started to get droopy as I remembered what Donovan did to me that night. I closed my eyes taking it all in. As the blood drenrched the shirt wrapped around my thigh.

Sexual: rape scene. Don't read if your not comfortable
"Oh Donovan"Ryan my best friends kidnapper had yelled. I was terrified. Like honestly. I thought he would be like those wattpad guys but no. The guy who I assume is Donovan picked me up I kicked and screamed but he wouldn't let me go. Once we were outside, he said "I'm going to have so much fun with you" I stayed quiet as tears trikled down my cheeks and mored shedded in my eyes. If I screamed he would kill me. I had no choice but to cooroperate.

"Let me go" I whimpered. He tossed me in the car, with strong rope he found in the eerie mini van, he tied my hands, then each of my feet to each other.

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