Chapter 13: Study?!

Depuis le début

Her little speech continued while everyone just continued eating. Well, except for one.

".... And finally those two twins want the exact same meal, with apparently the exact same portions. That was a pain," she sighed.

"Ayari-chan," Kuroko said.


"Where's my boxed lunch?" he asked.

"Oh right, here," she said, handing him a box. Momoi's throat tightened when she saw how eagerly he took it from her, well eagerly in his own way that is.

"Hey, how come you gave him his by yourself?" Reiko asked.

"And why is the box different from ours?" Daiko asked.

"Because, idiots, this guy is on a special menu, which was create by yours truly," she said proudly.

"How come he gets a special menu from Ayari-chan?" the twins asked each other.

"Because, they have a special connection," Takao answered, smirking. Ayari glared at him, while he continued eating. Momoi was once again trying to hold her frustration all in again.

"First off, no," she answered. "Second, have you seen what he ate in the past? No wonder he stopped growing like in middle school! Right? You did stop growing in middle school right? Anyway, Kuroko-senpai has been growing taller."

"Ayari, why are you so fixated on getting Tetsuya taller, when you yourself are the shortest among all of us here?" Akashi said, looking at his sister. Everyone looked at her. Her 155 cm self glared at him.

"What are you talking about Onii-chan? You should be eating more meat yourself. You not much better than Kuroko-senpai over here," she muttered.

"What was that?" he asked threateningly, clearing his throat as a warning.

"Nothing. Besides, does height really matter? Short people can do things too you know?" she huffed.

"She does have a point," Riko said.

"Oh right, Riko-san, Momoi-san, here," Ayari said, handing them box lunches too. "I know you guys didn't ask for any, but I couldn't leave you two out like that. Besides, I had extra ingredients." She smiled.

"Thanks Ayari-chan," Riko smiled.

"T-Thank you, Ayari-chan," Momoi said, a little surprised as she took it. Ayari thought of her?

"Eh? Ayari-chan, what about you?" Iwazaki asked.

"I'm fine," she said, taking a seat next to Kuroko and Kagami. "I ate this morning. Now, if you all would just..." she yawned, before lying her head on the table. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight..."

"Huh?! You're sleeping now?!" Kagami asked.

"Shut up Baka!" Riko whispered. "She's tired from making all these lunches. At least let her get some sleep!"

Everyone continued eating as the red-headed girl fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Kuroko was looking at her. He knew that she had been staying up late at night studying, and analysing the data she had gotten during practice. And then, she had gotten up early to make the special lunches. He didn't like how she was doing all that by herself, and wouldn't even find some time to get some sleep.

But, he knew, somehow, that she bringing upon herself this much workload was for the team, and because she had been defeated by Dakura during the Inter-High. She wanted to do this, so she could win in the Winter-Cup.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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