Archer versus Rider Part 1 of 3

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A/N If anyone can guess the name of this Fate song I will give them a surprise through the book. Expect it in the next chapter if anyone guess correctly.

The clashes of a battle foretold through the ages has begun. A fight between a ruler and a Goddess, a clash between two of the bloodiest stories in history, a fight to the death, a fight between bow and horseback swordsmanship. Finally a fight between a martyr and a relentless one. A war between two entities whose fight can destroy towns. 

Golden arrows launched into the air toward a horse made of crystal whose rider a white haired young  queen who ruled in a time of turmoil for her people when the modern age hit its latest into the age of Revolution. A queen who thought about nothing but her people, a queen who died a martyr at the hands of the people she so often fought the nobility to serve. 

Now she fights for a glorified cup with the ability to grant wishes against a Goddess. The Goddess of the hunt, The Relentless One, The lady of the hounds, The patron of childbirth, so many epitaphs for  this one goddess whose auburn hair flowed freely as did her skin unfettered by clothes. A lesser being would stare at her with lust but a higher being would see it as a sign of great art standing before him with nothing but admiration. For a Goddess needs no armour.

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