Soon enough, they were both now conversing with the group.

"It's been awhile." Starfire said, looking at Nightwing with a seductive smirk.

"I-I know, you're looking good," he then paused, forgetting his embarrassment, now gesturing to the Boy Wonder beside him. "This is Damian, the new Robin."

"Welcome, Damian." Starfire spoke ever so softly as if she was trying to tame a rogue tiger, totally forgetting what she had just done to embarrass Nightwing.

I smiled ever so kindly with a wave to him, as the others, and he only scoffed as if he was unimpressed by our introduction. He then made his way to the 'T' shaped tower, saying intimidatingly, "I'll be in my room."

I watched his every mood, I was not going to deal with a hotheaded teammate all the time. Clearly, the other weren't going to deal with his attitude either.

But, Starfire being the kindhearted person she is, offered him so worthy help, "Would you like to—" Poor, kindhearted Stars was interrupted by the little demon, "I think I can manage." He only continued walk to the tower annoyed by our kind actions.

"That's is one creepy mocoso." Jaime spoke in slightly shaken voice, Gar frantically nodded his in agreement to Jaime's comment.

I shook my head in a 'no' and smiled, they boys looked at me in disbelief as if I was lying straight through my teeth.

Raven nodded her head in agreement towards me, "He isn't creepy, more like sad." Raven spoke in her monotone voice. I stared at her blankly for a moment, then looked back at the tower where the little demon would be.

"So, what do you think of him then, {Y/N}?" Gar gazed at me as the others followed his gaze. I then stared at the hard, concrete floor, then looked back up at the group. With a smile and a slight glint of hope in my eyes, I spoke ever so softly about my opinion, "I think he has a soft side. You just have to get through all those walls of his." They all stared at me in disbelief as if I had a six-foot afro or I was riding a loin.

I chuckled and look around as my gaze finally landed on Starfire and Nightwing, who were still chit-chatting a storm.

After awhile, I got bored from Nightwing and Starfire talking. So, I made my way towards the tower as my teammates followed my lead.

I then turned around, now walking backwards, with mischief written all over my face for a certain blue bird. I smirked at the sight, Nightwing was flirting with Starfire since we were all leaving. 'Perfect opportunity.' I thought to myself, my insides jumping up and down in excitement, this moment was going to be pure bliss. . .

With my confidence higher then ever, I yelled loud enough for everyone in Gotham to hear, "Remember to use a condom, Nightwing!!"

    And, with that, I bolted to hide from a certain blue bird who was going to catch me at any moment.

Everyone bursted our laughing, I'm pretty sure Nightwing and Starfire's face were brighter than the sun now, and that's saying a lot. The echoes of their laughs could be heard even when I was sprinting down the corridors as if my life depended on it, which it did.

But I soon gave up, knowing that he wasn't looking for me anymore.

But as I was approaching my room with every step, I noticed a certain half-human, half-demon friend, standing by my door, waiting patiently as she was drowning in her own thoughts.

I then stopped in front of her, lightly taking her hand in mine and lead her into my room. I knew what this was about. . .

"So, how has it been, Raven?" I spoke as sweet sugar with a smile decorated on my face. She looked down in deep thought, clearly trying to piece together her words.

"I have been seeing. . . These flashes. . . Of my Father coming back. . ." She muttered as if a thousand of weights were lifted off her.

My heart then stopped.

'Trigon's back. . .' I thought to myself, utterly horrified as all of the worse thoughts popped into my head.

All the pain he caused. . .

All the people he hurt. . .

The planet's he terrorized. . .

My head couldn't stop spinning from all the thoughts of the worst man possible coming back to haunt us.

"B-But, I thought you locked him away. . . Forever. . ."

   Her eyes met with the floor as she sighed, "I did, but he is coming. I don't want to believe or even think it! But he is. . ." I looked down, thinking real hard. The possibilities of him coming back was in thousands of knots, it was hard to even tell if he was ever going to come back.

And throughout all that heartbreaking silence, I finally spoke up, "Don't tell anyone this. Not yet, at least." She only nodded her head to my demand, still unsettled from the thought of him being back.

But then all that heartbreak, unsettling silence, suddenly ended.

Garfield entered the room, happier then ever before. "Hey ladies! Did I miss a make out session? Cause I'm here now!" He flirtatiously yelled.

Me and Raven's eyes met as we both rolled our eyes at his humor. "You missed a lot of tongue, Gar." Raven let out a whole hearted laugh, finally feeling better. Garfield just groaned, playing along with the joke. The room only filled with laughter that seemed to have forgotten about the whole Trigon-coming-back situation.

But he suddenly went serious, "But seriously, are you two okay?" Me and Raven both nodded, lying right through our actions. Garfield seemed to have believed it because he then sat with us on the bed. His presence seemed to have lifted that weight off of our shoulders and made us wear a smile on our faces.

And for the first time in awhile, I finally didn't have a terrorizing nightmare. . .

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