Party Hard

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You felt a cold hand on your side, shaking you.
"Wake up fuckass. We're going to look for shit." you heard Karkat say before there are footsteps fading away. You slowly sat up. Ugh you wish you didn't sleep, because now you are stiff and in pain. You sighed and stood up, stretching. It sounded like it was going to be a long day. You grabbed your sword and walked over to Dave, who was still sleeping. You were glad nobody tried to wake him up, because there's a certain way to wake him or he'll attack you. You were proud that you taught him that. You wake him up and he gets up and grabs his sword. We were ready to leave.

You were close together walking down the road, weapons ready to be used. Jade stopped, causing everyone to bump into each other.
"Is..that Sollux..?" she asked Karkat, who gasped and nodded. You didn't know trolls had different colored blood, but you could see yellow liquid everywhere.
"Sollux! I thought you were gone!" Karkat ran up to and knelt beside him. Karkat turned back and motioned Rose, who was the assigned medic, over. She ran over and immediately started wrapping Sollux's wounds with bandages. Once she was done Sollux got up, not in as much pain anymore.
"Thank2 for helpiing. And thank2 for fiindiing me KK" he said, slightly smiling. Karkat nodded.

Everyone, including the troll they befriended, were looting a multiple storied building. Once everyone was done they were supposed to meet at the entrance. As you were searching the room you were in, you see a box that concerned you. You walked to it and opened it. Holy shit you thought. You found alcohol. You took the box of drinks and out the food you found and went back down. You grinned and thought to yourself. God tonight is going to be fun.

You didn't tell anyone about the alcohol in the box until everyone got back to the shelter. You set the box you held in the corner you sleep in and helped the others store the food and water in one room, and medical supplies in another.
"Guys!" you yelled from the living room. They ran in, confused. You grabbed the box and opened it, revealing the drinks. "Look what I found!!" you started taking pulling out the different types of alcohol and setting them on the table. Then you started setting the shot glasses down. Everyone went to help themselves, except for Jade, Jane, and Roxy.
"I don't do drugs." Jane said.
"Neither do I." Jade replied. They both turned to Roxy. "Weird how she didn't go for any. Usually she only drinks that stuff." Jane shrugged. "Are you serious? She only drank that? I'm surprised she isn't dead.." Jane nodded and sighed.
"You's going to be a pain with all of them drunk and shit, right?" Roxy talked out randomly. Both Jade and Jane nodded. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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