A Close Call

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You look out of one of the small gaps you left in the window. They still aren't here yet! Zombies were crowding everywhere.

"They won't make it..Its impossible." You thought aloud. Nobody responded. God you hope they make it. Then, out of an alley, you see Jane and Roxy run out. You wanted to scream at them, make sure they don't become one with the walking dead, but you couldn't. If you made any noise, your position would be found, your cover would be blown. As they got closer, you started taking the things off the door that were there to barricade it. Then, there was pounding on the door. Was it them? Or was it zombies?

"Let us in!" you heard the familiar voice of Jane Crocker. You quickly opened the door to let them in and then closed it once they were safe.

"You okay?" you asked while trying to barricade the door again. God that was a challenge.

"Yeah..we're fine..thankfully.." Jane replied, panting heavily. She must have ran a very long distance for her to be out of breath. You looked over at Roxy. She looked sober for once. You wanted to ask if she drank anything today or not, but you decided not to. They needed their rest. You picked Jane up, moved her away from the door, then did the same with Roxy. Once you were done with that, you sat down by Dave. He looked worried about something, but what?

"You okay bro?" you asked. You hated seeing him like this.

"Yeah, I guess..it's just, my friends..I don't where they are and..I'm worried that something is going to happen to them." he responded. You patted his back.

"They'll be fine. They know where this place is." you assured him, smiling. "Now just sleep." you lied down on the floor, Dave next to you. In seconds, you two were out like a lightbulb.

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