Chapter 7: Don't You Remember Me?

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'Where am I?' I wondered.

My head hurt like hell and I felt like I'd been hit in the head with a frying pan. My body felt so weak and I instantly knew I'd been drugged as this feeling was all too familiar.

I got up from my laying down position on the cold, hard ground and took in my surroundings. It seemed as if I was underground because there was a tiny window all the way up on the wall which gave the large room a little light. I looked around me and saw that I was all alone in the room. There was a table in the corner and a door to my left. The room was basically empty. It smelled horrible though. Like vomit, raw fish and pee.

Worst. smell. ever.

I tried to get up but then I quickly realized that my feet were tied up as well as my hands. 'What the hell is going on here?!' I screamed to my inner Becca. 

Before I had any time to further panic, the door flew open and there walked in my worst nightmare.


To say I was shocked wouldn't even begin to describe the flow of emotions that came over me.

It all made sense now. The ropes, the drugged feeling- It was all Peter! He kidnapped me!

''Cat got you're tongue Becca?'' he said to me with a stupid grin on his face. He walked over to me, slowly taking in every inch of my body. I then became curious as to why he was staring at my body like he was ready to pounce on it any moment. I looked down at my attire and was shocked when I realised what I was wearing...or maybe it would be easier to describe what I wasn't wearing.

I wasn't wearing a shirt, or pants...oh and I was barely wearing any underwear either. I had on some kind of laced panties and bra and was pretty much lacking cloth. For the most part I was naked. 'Peter must have put this on me while I was out cold' I thought.

After assessing myself, I looked back up and to my surprise Peter wasn't walking towards me anymore. In fact I didn't even think he was still in the room. I let out the breath of air I'd been holding in, but as qucikly as I let it out it was pitched back in. 

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me backwards and then put his arm around my neck in a choke hold. ''As much as I want to take in all of you right now, you ran away from me and left me all alone for quite some time and for that you have to pay.''  he whispered into my ear.

I was confused and wondered what he would do to me. It probably wouldn't be the regular good-ole-beating. He knew I was used to that and knowing him, he thought that punishment wasn't harsh enough for me.

It was then I felt the cold, sharp metal pressed against my throat. A knife. He has a knife and he's going to use it on me. He's going to rape me then he's going to kill me. He's finally going to get rid of me.

I shot out of bed, sitting up, gasping very loudly. I quickly looked around me and saw that I was back in Brent's room. No Peter. No knife. And as I looked at my attire, no slutty lingerie. Just me and Brent. Wait Brent? 

I looked to my left and saw a very concerned looking Brent staring at me intently. 'Crap was  talking in my sleep? or did I scream? No- that doesn't make any sense because in my dream..nightmare I didn't talk or scream. Wait? that was all a dream. Wow I'm so relieved! I thought that Peter was really there. What did that dream mean though? Was God trying to tell me to keep my guard up and trying to help me? I heard He was just awesome like that.

I'm not really a religous person but maybe I should go to church more often than never. Hey, church? Why am I talking about about Church? What was I thinking about before? Oh Peter! I can't believe he's haunting my dreams now. He infuriates me so much! I just wish I could go back to that night and take the curtain rod I hit him with and shove it right up his a-'

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