Chapter 2: 'Boyfriend'

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You know that feeling you get when you feel like everything is moving in slow motion? When time seems to suddenly slow down and nothing makes sense anymore? You try to stop it but it only gets worse. You try to ignore it and your stomach threatens to upchuck everything. Well that's how am feeling right now.




Nothing could prepare me for what I heard. I didn't completely hear the whole sentence, but the words that I did hear was enough to send my stomach into another set of spasms. They were just replaying in my head, like a stick record, 


"Becca....Peter...... revenge".

"Becca ....Peter......revenge".

Over and over again.

How did they know, who told them. In the back of my mind I knew I was worrying about the wrong things. I knew I should be worried about the possibility of him burst through the doors, mad like a bull. But I couldn't seem to care about that at the moment. All I cared about was how they found out. I tried my best to make this new life work for me, to block out everything from my past, to not let everyone see how broken I am inside and now this happens.

He found me.

I have to give him credit though, he worked faster than I thought he would.

"Rebecca Hart please report to the principle's office." the intercom crackled through the speakers of the school. I got up and started walking. It was like I wasn't me, like there was someone else in control of my body.

I was vaguely aware of my friends calling me and asked if they should come with me, but I just walked, unconscious of my own actions. I left the cafeteria and started walking down the empty hallway. Shouldn't I be running away? Or maybe he was just outside the school waiting to catch me. Or maybe he was with principle Murnoff, talking about pulling me out of school, because after all he was still my uncle.

My sick, twisted, demented uncle.

Suddenly something caught my eye on a locker, as I got closer to it my stomach churned again.

"Becca....Peter...... revenge". It all made sense now. But not in the way I would have liked it to. Right there, on my locker was a black poster, and the words written in blood:

'Hello Becca, you didn't really think you could actually run away from me did you. I'm coming for you Becca and I'm going to get my revenge.

Love Peter'

I swear my heart stopped beating right there. I stood there, unmoving, staring at it, my whole body was shaking. I don't know how long I stayed there for, but it must have been long enough for Mr. Murnoff's secretary to repeat herself.

"Becca Hart please report to the principle's office." This time she sounded flat out annoyed. Suddenly, I was annoyed too. I reached forward and tore the poster off the locker, crumbling it up and threw it in the trash. I will not make him control my new life anymore, much less destroy it. I've come too far to give up now.

With that thought in mind, I stomped my way down to the office. When I got there I opened the door and scowled at the secretary, who's name I now know is Ms. Kurt-hiner, generousity of the plaque on her desk. More like Ms. Butt-hiner if you ask me. She not married, maybe that's why she was so miserable or maybe it was her awful surname that made her miserable.

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