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It all happened one night after a party. The night that changed my life.

It was just around midnight, my best friend Layla just dropped me home, so now I was alone. I was relieved when I saw his car missing from the driveway 'probably out drinking again' I thought.

I made my way up to the wooden porch, which groaned under my weight. I entered the dreadful, one story, run down house. What happened next was all a blur. Out of nowhere something hit me, hard on the back of my head. I winced and stumbled forward from the force and quickly spun around .

It was him, he was here. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be out drinking and screwing some whore? He stood in front of me raging mad, one of his hands were balled up in a fist and the other one was tightly gripping a beer bottle, 'he probably used that to hit me' I thought. With that thought in mind I brought my hand to the back of my head and I felt warm moisture, I looked at my fingers and saw that it was blood.

"Where the hell have you been!?" he shouted at me.

He took a few steps towards me, I snapped my eyes back on him and took a few steps back.

"I-I ...umm I w-was-" I was cut of by a stinging in my right cheek, and my head snapped the other way. My neck made a sound that I knew would cause some serious pain. I stumbled back from the force. He slapped me. I mentally cursed myself for stuttering - he hates it when I show fear.

"You know I hate it when you stutter, now tell me where the hell have you been!?"

I turned my head around back to him, afraid that he would charge at me while I was not looking. Now he was straight out killing me with his hard, cold grey eyes. A shiver ran down my spine and I looked away from him. I hardened my face to make it look like I did not care. I looked back at him with a smirk on my face.

"Oh come on Peter, since when do you care about me?" I teased.

In the back of my mind I knew teasing was not a good idea right now, especially since he's shaking in rage. But I didn't worry about that. Normally he would just do the usual -beat me until it hurts to breathe, then he'd rape me. I was used to it. I wouldn't even call it rape anymore because I don't fight him. My life is wasted and am already going to hell, with how I treat people. Why not have some fun with it right?

When he didn't answer me, I shrugged and walked around to head to my room. I could feel his gaze burning through my back, but I ignored him. I blew a breath of relief when I made it ten feet away from him, 'maybe he won't do anything', 'maybe he will leave me alone and go find some whore to screw'.

But I thought too soon. I was yanked back to a hard, built chest by my hair. A strangled cry tore through my throat and I was push to the floor. I looked up to him, surprised to see him with a sadist grin aimed at me.

'This can't be good' I thought to myself.

"You wanna play? Fine we'll play."

I didn't get a chance to ask what he meant by that, because in a flash he picked me up by my throat and threw me across the living room. I hit the block wall with a thud and dropped to the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut to get rid of the stars that danced around my vision. He then began to kick me wherever he could get me. I coughed and I saw blood splatter on the wooden floor. I knew then that I had to get away.

"P-please s-stop. " I stuttered out. I was too weak to do any thing else.

But my pleads went unheard, as he continued to kick me. Suddenly he stopped and picked me up by my right arm. I was in a daze and slightly unaware of what was going on. He threw me over his shoulder and started to walk. He carried me in his room and immediately his musky pinewood scent washed over me.

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