Chris brezzy😝

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Your Pov
Me and my girls was walking around my neighborhood like usual just. Chatting

(The girl with the yellow is you)"Girl and did y'all see all them memes they made about rob I feel bad for him", Lexi said

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(The girl with the yellow is you)
"Girl and did y'all see all them memes they made about rob I feel bad for him", Lexi said . Me and Danielle looked at her . " so you mean to tell me you didn't see that coming ", Dani says . "No I thought they were the perfect couple ", She said Back .willow laughed " that's funny too me I knew she was in it for the money ", we all laughed .

"SAYYY", we heard some boy yell .

Dani turned around and turned back towards us . "Okay y'all don't turn around but that's Chris and his fine friends across the street, I think they talking to us ", she said smiling.

Willow turned around slightly. "OHHH yeahh they fine we gotta go over there yall ", she said hyped .

I was just acting like I was texting somebody. Lexi snatched my phone from me .

" heyyy " , I yelled reaching for my phone . They all gave me a look ." Nahh you know damn well you ain't got nobody to text but us ", Lexi said and we all laughed .

I was the shy one in our group unlike Lexi she was quite outgoing.

She turns away from us . " I don't know about y'all bout I'm about to get some digits ", she said walking away with a sway in her hips . Dani caught up with her .

" girl come on everybody know you and Chris feeling each other go talk to him now is your chance",willow said Catching up with the others.

Maybe she right I need to get out of my comfort zone and mingle I'm tired of being single.( 😝😂💀that rhymes)

I jog to where everybody else were and everyone was talking.

Chris looked at me and winked." Hey beautiful ", he said walking up to me giving me a hug . I just smiled. " damn lil mama it's like that a side hug ", he said . "Yeahh lil daddy it's like that you not my dude ", I laugh .

"Dannng son ", one of his friends yelled. " ayye shut up Q,"he said playfully then he looked me in my eyes .

" I CAN be yo dude tho ". He rubbed his neck . " oohh really", I said . " yeahh why not , a handsome young fella like me need a girl like you in his life ", he said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Let me take you out sometime I'll plan everything thing".
I side eyed him . " alright deal but no promises ", I said . He held his hands up.

We talked for a little while

. " come on girls let's go we have business to take care of " , I say walking off .

" ma hold on real quick let me see yo phone ", he said with his hand out . I scrunched my eyebrows. " for what ". He licked his lips .

" so I can put my number in it ". girl I was blushing from ear to ear .

I get my phone back and we walk off . " don't forget to text me tonight", he yelled. I looked back and waved.

Willow nudged me . " nice playing hard to get boo ". I laughed. " sooo who else got the digits ", Dani said waving her phone looking around with a sly smile . "MEEE" , the girls said. We laughed . " that's how it's done ladies ", Lexi said .

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