If Looks Could Kill ch. 6

Start from the beginning

I glanced over my shoulder and noticed Jake approaching Raiden.

I paid quickly before rushing over and putting myself between the two of them. My arms held Raiden protectively behind me.

"Hey" I said forcing cheerfulness.

"Hey..." Jake's eyes darted to my arms and back to my face "what's up?"

I shrugged "not much, going to do a project just thought I should pick up a snack."

"Ah.. me too" Jake said.

Realizing how close we were standing I took a step back shuffling Raiden behind me.

"Babysitting?" Jake asked curiously.

"Sort of" I said "he's my little brother."

"Really?" Jake snorted.

I glared at him "you shouldn't make fun of people who help you."

Jake shut up immediately "when have you, the school princess, ever done anything for me?"

"Not long ago actually" I said looking at my manicured nails "I was the one who stopped that fight with Caleb and Zach remember now?"

Jake laughed humorlessly "that wasn't for me. You were just protecting you boyfriend."

"Well if you believe it or not when I first saw the fight I was worried about you. And if I remember correctly I even told them off in front of everyone."

Jake didn't say anything.

The cashier called my name and i picked up the boxes and bag of bread sticks.

As Raiden and I were leaving Jake said to me.

"See you on Thursday."

I stopped "what are you talking about?"

"I know Brent has been talking to you even though he shouldn't have told you anything." Jake smiled mischievously.

I rolled my eyes "I didn't buy his crap and I'm not buying yours either. Don't you guys think this joke is getting a little old?"

I didn't wait for his response, I shuffled Raiden out and we drove away quickly.

It wasn't long before we reached Zach's house. I grabbed the food from the back seat then rang the bell.

Zach answered taking the boxes as a greeting. He walked away then leaving Raiden and I on the front step.

"C'mon" I muttered to Raiden.

We found them in the kitchen already wolfing down pizza.

"Hi to you guys too" I said sarcastically and snagged two plates from the cupboard. I placed a slice of pizza and a couple bread sticks on the plate and handed it to Raiden before serving myself. I sat on a bar stool next to Caleb. Raiden looked lost for a second before he made up his mind and sat on a stool as far from anyone as possible.

"Haallooo" Caleb said to me mouth full of food. My nose wrinkled.

"Tell me you guys weren't bumming around and actually doing something" I pleaded looking back and forth between the two of them.

Zach got up "so Sky... are you thirsty?"

I glared at the two of them "you guys do know I'm only helping you right? Emphasis and the 'helping' part. I'm not doing the whole project for you."

Zach handed me a glass of pepsi.

"Hey Raiden are you thirsty?" I asked him "by the way these two idiots are Zach and Caleb" i gestured to each of them as I handed over my untouched pepsi.

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