6. New Vampire In Mystic Falls

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HOLDEN GROANED AND FINALLY WOKE UP. He turned his head to a side and saw Zachary's dead body. "No," he said and rushed to him to see that he wasn't responding. "Zach," Holden hissed moving his chin, then clenched his jaw and stood up. It was dark outside, so he knew Damon was free, probably killing people.

He grabbed his phone and dialed Stefan's number. "Hello," the younger brother answered, sadness laced in his tone as he stood outside of Elena's house, guarding her family.

"Zach is dead," Holden sneered, moving upstairs with a furious face to where Stefan was.

"I know," Stefan whispered with glassy eyes.

"Where are you, Stefan?!" Holden shouted angrily as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed two blood bags.

There was a slight pause from the other end. "Elena knows," he answered and Holden paused with a realized face. "She found out about us... And she wants to know everything."

Holden thought about her reaction, which was probably denial and shock, because who wouldn't react in such way if they found out vampires exist. Holden reacted in the same way. "Where the hell is Damon?" he asked then.

"Where do you think he is? He just called me, threatening to kill Elena if we don't find his ring, which Zach hid," Stefan informed with a calm voice causing Holden to roll his eyes.

"Damn it, Stefan!" Holden shouted from the fury of how the things worked out. He then took a breath. "Okay, uh, I'll meet you later," he then hung up and opened up the blood bag before consuming all the substance.

He didn't like the fact that Elena knew, but somehow he wanted to be the one to help Stefan change her mind about them.

IT WAS MORNING ALREADY and Elena was sitting outside of Mystic Grill with a clearly sleepless face as she glanced at Stefan. "You said you would explain everything. That's why I asked you to meet me here. When you Google 'vampire' you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?" she asked quietly.

Stefan leaned forward in his seat and saw that she looked quite uncomfortable. "I can tell you whatever you wanna know," he nodded seriously.

"I know you eat garlic," she began then widened her eyes as Holden approached their table.

"We love garlic," he commented dully taking a seat next to Stefan and glancing at the girl with blank face. "Stefan informed me about you knowing our secret."

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked him in confusion as Elena noticed Holden smile slightly. So far, she always thought of him as the most gentleman out of the Salvatore brothers, but now all she saw was a vampire.

"Helping you," Holden shrugged before looking back at Elena with a soft look. "I'm not gonna hurt you if that's what worries you so much. I don't kill people while feeding." he informed and she didn't say anything back.

"He's right, Elena," Stefan nodded to her with a soft look too and she looked down overwhelmed. She wanted to believe them, to trust them, but they also lied to her.

"Somehow, sunlight's not an issue," she raised her eyes up to look at them and then a waitress walked up to them with three drinks.

"Hi, here are your drinks," she smiled placing the glasses on the table.

"Thank you," Elena said without any emotion or smile so the waitress left the table alone, letting them talk again.

another love // e.gilbert 1.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat