Wrong Number! (Bonus)

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"Hey Angel Eyes."

     I looked up to see Jayce standing in front of me, hands in his pockets. He took them out to pull me out of my seat and towards him. I let out an 'oof' when my head hit one of his manboobs.

     He looked at me and whispered,"I want to do something extra special for you." I was confused right now. Special? He was already special, and the fact he compliments me 30 times a day is already extra.

     He grabbed by hand and said," See if you can keep up angel eyes." Before I could decipher what he meant, I felt my hand being yanked, then boom! I was running.

    After 15 minutes of torture I noticed we were on a rooftop. "Jayce, think about this... I gave you a lucky Mickey mouse band-aid!" He looked confused, what great actor. "Angel eyes, I'm not going to push you off," he informed me, chuckling.

      "To show my love to you, I have decided tell the whole world, I love you. Though, I hope it is enough."

     Suddenly he was facing the edge, he got ready to shout, before her turned to me and whispered,"I love this girl."

"Huh? Why did you whisper? Nice joke Jayce."

     He stopped me and told me," Don't you get it Angel eyes? You are my world." My eyes were starting to water, and they immediately shut when I felt his lips on mine.

Imagine we met from a girl supposedly giving him the wrong number.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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