"Come on, let's go then." Debbie said standing by the door with her car keys in her hands. I looked at her then glanced at Marshall. He gave a small nod and smile and we got up, going to the car.

Debbie strapped Nathan in his seat as Marshall and I got in the back seat. The whole drive I rested my head against the window and just watched as the houses, trees and other cars passed. I just wanted this shit to be over and done with already.

We got to the police station and Debbie grabbed my hand and held it, offering me some comfort. I smiled at her grateful as Marshall carried Nate. We were led to a small room and they told me that only I was allowed in so that I can't be interrupted or distracted. Marshall frowned at that and Debbie just gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and walked in the small room and sat across from the lady.

She smiled and told me to just relax and tell her everything that happened. I was happy that it was a woman sitting here and not a man. As you know, I don't to well with the male population, with Marshall being the exception and Proof getting there. I wasn't even as comfortable with Archie as I was with Marshall. And I've known Archie longer.

I told the detective everything from the beginning, and by beginning I mean from when I was like 5, or at least close to that age and I didn't leave out anything that I didn't remember. She sat and listened and made notes while I was being recorded. I was scared when she asked about the bruises and said they wanted to take pictures of the bruises so that they had proof.

I swallowed hard and squeezed my eyes shut as she lifted my shirt and took photo's. I wasn't particularly ok with it but I kind of had no choice. Debbie was called in and they wanted to know from her who would I be staying with until my mom got out of hospital. Apparently my mom had written a letter saying Debbie was to care for me till she got out. The detectives tried to go see her but she wasn't allowed to have any visitors and they were told to go back later on.

"How about we go get some waffles?" Debbie asked us when we got in the car again.

"Hell yeah!" Marshall exclaimed next to me and I smiled and nodded. Debbie drove us to a diner and then we all sat in a booth. "So you're staying with us?" Marshall asked as he bit into a waffle.

"Unfortunately, yeah." I said with a sigh looking down at my plate, acting to be disappointed.

"Hey." Marshall said making me laugh. He started to laugh too and Debbie just smiled at us.

"You two really do bring out the best of each other." Debbie noted and Marshall and I both looked at each other confused then looked at Debbie like she was crazy. "For one, I haven't seen Marshall this happy in a few years and your mother said the same about you Kylie. She says that you are finally starting to come out of your shell." That made me blush.

"I guess." I said shrugging then looking at Marshall to find him frowning at me. Once he saw me looking at  him her stuck his tongue out to me and I did the same to him. After we finished our meal, we left to go home again.

"I'm going to go lay down with Nate for a bit." Debbie said as we stepped back into the house.

"Ok Ma." Marshall said and I nodded and walked over to the couch.

"Hey Marshall?" He looked at me and  carried on "Mind coming with me to go get some clothes and things? I uh don't want to go alone." I said nervously playing with a strand of my hair.

"Sure Ky. Let's go now then it's over and done with." He said and I got up and followed him to the door. As we walked out the door, Proof walked up to us.

"Kylie girl. Damn what happened to you? I didn't see you this whole week." Proof said giving me a quick hug. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I was uh a little sick this week so I uh kinda just stayed in bed ya know?" I said pulled the sleeves of the hoodie down so that only my fingers were sticking out.

Space Bound (Eminem)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora