Chapter 1: First Impressions

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The agency had let me use a bright red Volkswagen beetle to drive to and from school. The drive was about an hour drive because the agency wanted my living location to be as far from the school as possible so that I wouldn't be discovered easily in case someone decides to follow me.

As I arrived in the school parking lot, I saw a lot of the students scattered around just smiling and talking with each other in their own groups. I guess they all missed each other. As I parked my car I noticed some students starring and probably wondering who this new girl was. I stopped my car's engine grabbed my things and stepped out of the car. I felt like I was in a movie where the new girl steps out in slow motion and music starts to play and all the students eyes are on you. Then the guys' jaws drop at how hot the new girl is and all the girls get jealous. Except the part where all the girls get jealous and the part where people stare. It was more like once I stepped out of the car, the bell rings and all the students rush inside. What a good start. No one even noticed.

I tried looking around for someone I can ask about where I can get my schedule but everybody seemed busy and I wasn't really sure how I would approach someone because you only have one chance to give a first impression. I tried looking for someone who looked approachable and someone who wouldn't judge. I spotted a red head who looked like a bouncy red ball of happiness. She was talking to two cute guys. One had blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a white shirt that clearly showed his full toned body. His arms were crossed and just smirking at the red head. The other had a darker shade of blonde but you could clearly see that it was dyed. He wore a red shirt and you could see that he wasn't that toned like his friend but he wasn't like he didnt work out either. He was the one talking to the red head he talked with a smile on his face. The guy said something and the red head replied to him with an ecstatic attitude with a full on smile. Maybe I should try asking her since she would just be super happy to help me out plus she had some cute guy friends who might be popular. I mean why wouldn't they? They looked just like the typical guys who would be popular at a normal high school. It would be a good start for me to become one of the populars.

I walked toward them and prepared what I was going to say in front of the two boys who could give me the attention I needed for this mission.

"Hi I-" I began saying but the girl interrupted me

"Okay, guys! Thanks!" She waved to the two retreating guy's backs.

Maybe she didn't hear me I moved closer to her to call her but she suddenly turned around. And she turned around so quickly that her bright purple backpack which she held only with one shoulder came flying straight into my face and knocked me off my feet.

As my butt hit the ground, I felt the pain and screamed,


She turned around and immediately her face showing a pure shock and sincere apologies.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you come closer! Are you okay?!"

I put one of my hands on the side of my face that got hit by the backpack that felt like it had rocks in it.

"Ha ha. Yeah I'm fine. I just wanted to know where I could get my schedule because you seemed really approachable. I guess I got more than what I hoped for." I smiled slowly, starting to feel the pain on my face, I started to get up.

She got my arm and tried to help me up. "I'm really sorry. The registrar's office is upstairs but maybe I should bring you to the nurse first so that you can get your face checked. It looked like it hurts."

"Okay, yeah. Thanks." I said trying to smile even if half of my face is starting to become sore.

She brought me to the nurse's office apologizing all the way there.

"It's fine really." I told her as we entered the nurse's office.

"Ms. Helda, I accidentally hit my new friend in the face with my bag, could you please make sure I didn't break her face. She's really pretty! I don't want to bruise her face!" The red head said as soon as we saw the nurse.

"You did what? Oh, Chloe you should watch out next time of the people around you. But it'll be fine, dear. Let's just put an ice pack on that and the bruise will be gone in no time." The nurse said to the red head who's name was apparently Chloe.

"Oh Thank you, Ms. Helda! And I'm really really sorry again, uh, sorry what was your name?" Chloe asked me.

"Uh.. Stella. Stella Frost." I replied.

Stella Frost was the fake name given to me by the agency.

"I'm really sorry, Stella!" Chloe apologized again.

She was starting to become annoying apologizing again and again.

"You should really stop apologizing. It's kinda getting annoying. " I told her in all honesty.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Oops! I did it again! " She laughed.

The nurse came back with a bag filled with ice and handed it to me.

"Here you go, dear. Just put it on that bruise through out the day and come back during your breaks if you need more."

"Thanks." I took the bag and faced Chloe.

"Chloe right?"

She nodded.

"Can you take me to the registrars office now before I become late to my first class."

"Yeah, sure!" She replied.

We went through the halls and the first thing I noticed was that Chloe knew a lot of people. And a lot of people knew her.

She said Hi to almost everyone we passed by on the way to the office. Once we got there I found my name in the list of new students and got my schedule. I scanned it and looked at my classes one by one.

Chloe looked at it over my shoulder and scared my by screaming in my ear "Ooh! We have 4 classes together!"

My heart jumped at how loud and sudden her voice was and almost fell for the second time this morning because of her! She didn't seem to notice and continued to grab my schedule from my hands so she could get a closer look. I just watched her as she looked at the schedule like it was the most interesting thing in the whole world.

As she did that, the bell rang and she looked up suddenly at me. "Oh no! We're going to be late for English!"

She grabbed my hand and ran out of the office.

"Don't worry about English class. I'll keep you company the whole time plus Mr. Johnson is like the kindest teacher ever!" She continued to drag me across the hallway into the classroom.

"Good morning, class!" I heard a young teacher say to the class.

I held my ice pack to my soar eye and entered the classroom like Chloe did. "Ms. Steinfield, Late for the first day are we?" He looked like he was pretending to be mad.

"I'm sorry, Mr Johns-"

"What happened to you, Ms. Frost?" He interrupted Chloe and faced me looking really concerned.

"It's my fault, Mr. Johnson! I accidentally hit her with my bag." Chloe answered for me.

Mr. Johnson looked at Chloe with a stern face and sighed.

"Hope that you're okay." He told me. "I also hope that you like it here despite what happened to you when you haven't even been here for more than an hour."

I smiled a bit at him and just realized how young he was. Maybe around his late twenties. He had black hair and a toned body even if he was just a teacher.

"Welcome to Winchester High."

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