Chapter 4: Long time no see

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"Today's the first day of training!" Chloe squealed as she ran up to me.

"Congrats, Chlo!" A chic with long blonde hair said as we made our way into English class.

"Thanks, Ri!" Chloe said back to her.

"Oh! This is Stella. She made it into the cheer leading squad too!" Chloe said pointing at me.

"Wow! Nice to meet you! I'm Riley!" The girl said.

"Stella." I smiled back.

She nodded her head and sat back down.

"Is Riley part of the cheer leading team?" I asked Chloe.

"No. She's a volleyball player from our team here in Winchester High."


Chloe was suddenly pulled aside by one of our classmates. After they talked she went to me.

"Hey. Sorry I can't sit with you today. Charlie over there wants me to sit with him so we could discuss the project we have together in Bio."

I nodded and instead made my way over to and empty seat at the back. A few minutes before the bell rang, someone came in the room and sat beside me.

"Hi." The tall guy said.

"Hey." I replied.

This guy looked really familiar. I can't wrap my head on where I know him from.

"The name's Ace Davis."

My eyes widened and I realized why I recognized this guy.

"Stella Frost." I said looking down.

"You look really familiar though. Do I know you from somewhere? Although your name is unfamiliar. Maybe it's just me."

"No." I said almost too quickly.

He shrugged and looked to the front.

Throughout the whole class, I couldn't focus! I kept starring at my childhood best friend. Ace Davis was my neighbor before I was recruited in the agency. I remember having the biggest crush on him.

"Okay, for the rest of the period I want you to go work on your projects together." The teacher said.

Wait. What?

Ace turned to me.

"Uhm.. What are we supposed to do again I wasn't paying attention." Ace looked at me with a raised eyebrow then chuckled. "We're going to be partners. We have make a video report on how we think we can save the planet."

I nodded.

"Any ideas?" I asked him.

"Maybe if there were less cars."

I frowned. "Maybe instead of changing or taking away things that are already there? We add something that can stop pollution?" I voiced.

"Good idea. Like what?"

"Like planting more trees, or making some sort of machine that keeps the cars from polluting the air."

"You want to make a bio engine for the cars?" He asked surprised.

*flashback 6 years ago*

"Ace! What on earth are you doing to your dads car!" Mrs. Davis said as Ace climbed underneath the car with a screwdriver and a hammer.

"I'm going to make a bio engine with dad's car, mom!" He shouted back.

"Ace! I don't think that's a good idea!" I told him.

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