Chapter 8: Unexpected

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"AHHHHHHH" I tried to scream. But my scream was cut short by a hand over my mouth.

"Stop screaming." Someone said behind me. He slowly released his hand from my mouth and I began screaming again.


"Shut up!" He screamed back.

I couldn't see who it was because the room was dark. I squinted and saw a dim light in a far corner. That gave me an idea on how big the room was. The lamp was approximately 10 feet away. I felt my eyes getting heavier. I yawned and I saw the door at a far corner. My eyes started to shut. I tried to fight it. 


But I couldn't help it. My eyes became harder to open each second until everything became black.


Next thing I knew, I was tied to a chair. Cliche much?

I felt around through the rope tied around my arms. Found the knot and planned my way on untying it.

"So." Someone suddenly said making me jolt.

"Stella Frost." A ladies voice said from behind.

"I don't know who you are." I said calmly trying to untie the knot.

"I'm not here to hurt you." the lady said.

"What  are you here to do, then?" I asked.

"I've seen what you can do. With all those gymnastic tricks, you will be a perfect part of our team." The lady said happily. In almost not creepy way at all.

"What?" I was sincerely confused now. "What team?

The lights went on. I was in a tiny grey room. There was a table in one corner and I was seated facing the wall, the table beside me. What a nice arrangement they have going on here. Note the sarcasm.

"We are a group of soldiers that protect important things or people that need to be delivered to another country." The lady said.

"You...?" I was literally very puzzled. This was the least of what I expected for why I was kidnapped.

"We train young teens such as yourself to protect valuable items." The lady said once again. "And this." She said holding up the untied rope that I was just holding. "Is one more reason why we need you."

I turned around. A middle aged woman with golden red hair stood there with both hands on her side with one holding the rope.

"So, are you in?" She asked.

"uhm.... Do I have a choice?" I said trying to sound whiny. But in reality. This was an easy way in so I was happy.

"I'm glad you understand." She left the room and left me in it.

I looked around. Felt around for my phone. But I wasn't surprised when I didn't find it.

A young man came in. He opened the door slowly and smiled at me. "Hi. My name's Kaz. Follow me please."


"Hi. Stella." I smiled back. 

His voice sounded familiar.

"Hey! You're the one who knocked me out earlier!" I scolded him.

"Yeah. Sorry but it wasn't my choice to decide."

I sighed and followed him out. It was a busy place. There were multiple people walking around.

"Hey." I said catching up to Kaz. 

"Yeah?" He asked without looking at me.

"Is there any way I could get my phone back? I need to call somebody." I told him.

"Sorry. No. You can't use your phone from now on. But you  can use the phone in the office to call." He said.

"So... Is there any rules to this uhm.. job?" I asked.

"You are a curious one, aren't you?" He said, stopping suddenly. "The rules will be explained to you in the Hall along with all the other teens."

He guided me to the hall and we both sat down.

An older dark guy came up front. He was wearing a soldier uniform and he had a white beard. Kinda like Morgan Freeman.

"Hello, Teens." There were about 15 teens in the hall and there were adults and young teens around the room. "We have all recruited you for a purpose. We need more willing hearts to serve our country. Some of you have been recruited from different high schools," 


"some from the cafe above us, and some from anywhere around this city. We are a group from the government hired to guard some important items and people going around the world. And that's why, once you all have signed the contract, we would all have faked your death so that no one will be no longer looking for you. We all thank you for serving our country with your life to protect and serve."

He stepped down from the stage and Kaz faced me. He handed me a medium sized book.

"What's this?" I asked.

"The contract. You have a day to read and sign it. I'll show you to your room now." He said standing up.

"Oh wait." I said jogging towards him. "Can I use to phone in the office first?"

He nodded and he suddenly turned and started walking to the left. I followed him. He opened a door for me and I stepped in.

"Everything you say will be recorded. You are not allowed to mention what we do. But you are allowed to tell your loved ones that you are safe." He stated, obviously memorized.

I dialed Peter's number and he answered immediately. "Hello?" His deep voice answered.

"Hey. It's Stella." I said being careful not to mention his name. "I just wanted to call to say that I'm fine. My phone died and I'm calling from the cafe phone. I'll be home late my friends and I are gonna go somewhere. See you later." I notified smoothly and hung up immediately not giving him any time to reply. Hoping he'll just catch up with all my clues quickly.

I smiled to Kaz and walked out of the same door we came through.

"Sorry." A guy said bumping into me.

"It's fi-" Standing in front of me was Keith Wood.

"Stella?" Keith said obviously surprised.


John's POV

"So, the kidnappers kidnap regulars at the cafe that all just happen to be highschoolers. But Stephanie's family has nothing to do with it?" I asked Peter.

He nodded.

"So, what does Keith and Stephen have anything to do with this?" I questioned.

"I'm still not sure. Hold on." He said as he picked up his phone.

"Hello?" He spoke.

His face was confused the whole time. He tried to butt in a few times but didn't get to. He slowly put down the phone.

"Who was it?" I inquired.

"Stella." He said.

"Stella Frost? aka Jasmine?" I questioned. Now I was confused. Why was he so confused by Jas' call? "What she say?"

"She said that her phone died and that she'll be home late."

"Whut?" I was confused.

"John, check the camera of her ear rings." He ordered me.

I grabbed the laptop and opened the feed. "No signal." I said.

He looked scared. And I was even more nervous now. This is happening too soon.



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