Chapter 086: Unfortunate Meetings

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(Shawn POV)

I was so happy the next day, we were gonna get married in a few days so that gave us enough time to get ready. Makino & a few other of the ladies had materials to make Koala's wedding dress but we didn't have any suits, so that's where Sabo & my problem is

"I refuse to go into the Goa Kingdom! I hate that fucking hellhole!" I swore as I crossed my arms, Sabo did the same

"I agree. Last time I was there, dad recognized me!" I gave Sabo a worried look but we were both suddenly slapped by Dadan

"You two are going to suck it up & go into that bloody place whether you like it or not! Go find a suit as quick as you can, try not to get to recognize & get out before its to late!"

"Yeah! Do it the wedding! Do it for me." Koala had dragged her hand across my cheek & smiled up at me, I sigh

"Oh, alright. But I'm not promising anything, if I see Outlook I'm going to fucking murder him!" she shrugged at that

"Go ahead." I smiled & kissed her cheek

"Thanks love." so that's where we are now, Valor, Will, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Zoro & a few others that didn't look to out of place were in the Goa Kingdom wearing somewhat formal outfits to fit in

"I hate this." I hear Zoro complain as he pulled on the collar to his suit "This is bloody choking me! How can you wear suits?"

"We loosen the collar moron marimo!" before Sanji & Zoro could throw threats at them, I stopped

"Don't cause a scene, I don't want to be given dirty looks by... these people. I already hate this hellhole, don't make me burn it to the ground like they did at the Gray Terminal." that got the ASL & I thinking

"Actually, now that we think about it..." Will & Luke stopped us

"Nope! Remember, you need a suit!" I sighed & slumped my shoulders, Luke smiled up at me "Besides, their not worth it."

"Your right..."

"Let's go." we had finally found a tailor so we went in, & to our surprise the guy was pretty damn nice, wasn't a fucking snob or anything like that

"How can I help you?" he asked nicely with, what seemed like a real smile, Sabo & I were blown away

"My brother here is getting married, he's wondering if he could get a suit here." Luke explained, the tailor looked at me & smiled again

"With pleasure, come." & so I did, he took me to the dressing room where he took my measurements, he hummed to himself & went to a different room & came back with a suit "Try this on, if it doesn't fit or doesn't suit you, I have another one."

"Thanks, & nice pun." he thought for a moment before laughing

"Pun unintended, plus, my name is Corey." & he left, I look at myself in the mirror after I took my top hat off & my smile disappeared when I saw Osore on the left but it slowly reappeared when Tom appeared on the right

'So your getting married, I wonder how long that'll last. Who knows when Koala-chan is going to dump you.' → Osore

'Don't listen to him, even so, I'm suppose to be bullying you. Congrats too by the way, Shawn.' → Tom

'Thanks, I really appreciate it Tom, not you Osore. Your a fucking asshole.' → Shawn

'Whatever, its not like that was the first time I've been called that by you.'

'Dick head.'

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